Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: Gotham Sucks


Tuesday, In Class 5-A of Gotham Elementary, the history teacher declared something important.

" Today would be the Gotham Elementary Students' last offline classes. Starting tomorrow, we would have online classes. Please pass around the flyers regarding the Online Classes information... The Principal, the teachers, and the officials have decided on this important matter because of the ongoing and increasing crime rate in the city. Gang fights, Gotham rogue attacks– the previous weekend, we have some of your classmates being a victim of Scarecrow... "

The class 5-A's History Teacher glances at Jonas, Luke, Rosalie, and Bethany before she continued...

" The decision to make your classes online was for all of your sake. We hope that it would ensure your safety and security. Hopefully, with this decision, no one would be a naughty kid disobeying their parents and deciding to go outside. Understand? "

There was a chorus of agreement among class 5-A students. After the important announcement, the class 5-A of Gotham elementary history teacher started teaching her lessons for today.

Among those who attended today's classes– Jonas was disappointed with their history teacher's announcement. He was unlike most of his classmates who were happy with the information. But the probability of the school assignments, activities, and school workload reducing was what he wasn't worried about. Jonas understands it was logical to have little itty bitty Gotham elementary students stay at home for their safety.

In recent days, news about crimes has been increasing more than usual. This wasn't the first time that Gotham Elementary has made its classes online. During the Cataclysm (An Earthquake that destroyed most of Gotham's infrastructures and destroyed the city's economy), it is also one of the cases where Gotham Elementary made their classes online. But some things happened, and it became just a vacation.

A lot of things always happened in Gotham. most of the classes were canceled not because of storms and holidays but because of criminals and Gotham villains.

Living in Gotham sucks for ordinary people and those hardworking students who just want to study.

Glancing at Luke, Rosalie, Bethany, and also Damian, Jonas was sad that he wouldn't see them until Gotham Elementary and the officials decided that it was safe for them to go to Gotham Elementary again for face-to-face offline classes.

He was sad even though they weren't beneficial to him anymore since he have promised the bird vigilantes that he wouldn't scare children purposely so he could eat their fears. He guessed. He ends up attached to those little kids? Even the little killer Damian. ( Until now Jonas hasn't still made the brat show a fearful expression towards him. It was mostly a higher-than-thou attitude, calm, disdain, mocking, the smug, face of superiority, etc that was directed at him ) He wondered what would it take for the little killer to tremble in fear... But he can't do it anymore.

Looking at them, Jonas sighed. He can't also invite them into a sleepover in the Cane Manor since the movie weekend invitation ended up with his classmates being dose in fear of gas and victims of Scarecrow. Even though Damian wasn't there, the probability of Damian's guardian– his adopted older brother Mr. Richard Grayson is low.

When the classes ended, The four students who have been the victim of Jonas's gaze since the first subject decided to ask Jonas. Can't he stop looking at them? Why does he keep looking at them and not even at their other classmates just like usual? Even though they were desensitized to his frightening and unsettling gaze, it was difficult to endure for the 3 victims of those stares except one.

" What's wrong Jonas? You keep looking at us since the first subject. During the break, you have only taken a single cookie as your snack. "

Rosalie said. Blinking, Jonas thought for a moment before muttering.

" I think, that I became fond of all of you. "

Luke smiled wryly when he heard that. It was unexpected for him since he always thought that Jonas doesn't see him as a friend and also doesn't see Jonas as a friend before Jonas was kidnapped.

But now despite being creepy and unsettling, he thinks that Jonas became caring and friendly towards him. Not just him but Rosalie and Bethany.. and Damian.

Damian look at Jonas with unimpressed and disdainful gaze. Not minding the reactions from his friends classmates, he continued

" I am sad that I wouldn't you see personally for a long time. I thought that I could invite you for a sleepover at my home but considering what happened during Saturday, I don't think that your parents would agree. "

There were nod of agreement from Rosalie, Luke and Bethany. But for the latter's case, she also replied with " no, they won't. You don't want to be held under a gunpoint don't you? ". Hearing what Bethany said, Luke and Rosalie stiffly smiled and purposely ignored what she said.

" But I promise that I would find a way to keep watch on you everyone everytime soon.. "

Jonas said with a smile of his face. Upon hearing his promise, the trio think that Jonas wasn't joking but was serious with his words. There was then a vehement disagreements while Damian was also at the trio's side on the matter while he scowled and glared at Jonas venomously.

" No! " " Don't do that! " " Please, don't! "

If he really did that, Jonas would be under the tip of his Katana again pointed at his neck.

Pouting, Jonas relented at their disapproval. He watched one them leave their family's car one by one while waving his hands at them.

Damian the last one who entered his family's car saw Jonas waving goodbye and smiling.

With his look, it wasn't like he was wishing them goodbye to see them again but he was waving goodbye and sending them off to the underworld. Inside the car, Tim Drake peaked from the car's window and frowned when he saw Jonas and shivered unconsciously.

" Creepy Demon Child... "

He muttered and then asked Damian who sat beside him.

" I am glad that you appeared to have gain some friends.. But you remembered how Constantine said that he was still an unknown factor despite showing non malicious intentions so far and his confession.. "

During the encounter with Constantine, the Jonas who wasn't Jonas finally confessed to them that he wasn't the Original Jonas. No, he didn't kill the Original Jonas but the Original Jonas was already dead before he ended up on his body.

Whatever in the body of Jonas right now a spirit, demon or alien– it confess that it's current goal was to find the Original owner's killer.

" Your taste in your friends sucks. Don't end up like Bruce with his horrid taste in his love interests. "

Whether it was jab to him or his father, Damian glared at Tim. Unfortunately, Alfred was giving him the stare so he can't use the knife that he have hidden under his clothes to stab Drake with it.

The next day, Jonas was spending his time at Old Gotham.

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