Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Cryptid Classmate

              Since Cane came back from his kidnapping. There were a lot of things that changed with his classmate. Too interesting for someone like him to ignore.

It wasn't because he wasn't preoccupied and had been grounded by Grayson and Pennyworth in patrolling in Gotham because he attempted to maim the insipid bastard Drake.

How dare he?! How dare he take what was his? How dare he take the Wayne Enterprise?!

Making himself the CEO in absence of his father. Timothy has no right.

Of course, when the attempt at maiming happened, Grayson and Pennyworth were in favor of Drake.

He was banned from patrol for 5 days and was required to attend the Gotham Primary. He was forced to suffer among the gaggle of immature and ignorant children. He already has mastered it, and Damian would gain nothing but wasting his time in this establishment.

He would endure a week of useless boredom in the classroom. But it took a different turn the moment that Cane came back.

All of his classmate's attention was on Cane. All of them were curious about his kidnapping. Damian was different from them.

The bunch of Cane's lackeys then started their questioning. It is noisy. It is annoying. One of them has insinuated that Cane was saved by his father.

What a fool.

Father wasn't here.

There are a different lot of factors on why Damian decided to open his mouth and insult the dumb child.

He didn't regret his actions.

When the child called him filthy...

He thought of Drake.

When the child called his mother a whore and his father stupid.

He doesn't care if Grayson and Pennyworth would ban him from another week of Patrol.

He would die by his hands.

And the foolish and dumb child dared to throw a spider at him. A mere spider wouldn't hurt him so he brush it off.

He didn't count on the shrill and frightened screams of his classmates.

It was grating and annoying.

The fool and dumb bastard then used his distraction to punch his face.

Angered, he attempted to kill the child.

Unfortunately, one of the educators has arrived to stop the chaos that unfolds.

Including him, the fool, the banshee, and Cane we're sent to the principal's office waiting for their guardian.

While waiting for Grayson, that was when he noticed the oddities of Jonas Cane.

He was nice.

There's no need to keep pretenses when adult people aren't around.

His eyes weren't blinking. It's disconcerting.

Cane cheerfully offered his spider pet to his fool of a crony Damian can understand why the latter denied Cane's offer.

While the banshee and the lackey are nervously waiting for their parents, why would Cane taint his spotless and perfect reputation?

Eventually, Grayson arrived and he among with Jonas and his lackey would spend their time in detention which has no interest in attending.

A look from Grayson took away those thoughts of nonparticipation.

At the end of the day, Damian concluded that there is indeed wrong with Cane when he came back.

It was too interesting for him to ignore.

Since he wasn't occupied from patrol for 5 days, he spend those 5 days observing Jonas Cane. Luke Avery, Rosalie Hampton, and Bethany Altomare were added later.

Luke Avery is a normal kid suffering from his mother's punishment (usually by being locked in drawers and cupboards and withholding food) for every mistake or she found something lacking in him compared to his classmates.

Since there was the perfect Jonas Cane that exist, it is always often.

Rosalie Hampton is a kid that came through middle family status background. Got through the Gotham Primary with one of the Scholarship or school programs that his father established in Gotham. She has a father who was addicted to gambling and alcohol.

Bethany Altomare is an intelligent little girl. She was the daughter of a mafia. Related to the Panessa Family of the Five Families and distant relative of the current Huntress.

On Saturday, Damian concluded that Jonas Cane was no ordinary human.

He first concluded that Cane was a meta-human. But there weren't any meta genes that could be found on his DNA. (Damian has taken a DNA sample from Cane when they spent their time at the project in the Manor on Thursday)

Hacking the Gotham City Police Department files and his medical results, Damian discovered his classmate Cane was presumed to be suffering from a severe case of retrograde amnesia by the doctor assigned by his parents.

Looking through the doctor's files, Damian then discovered that he was previously a medical doctor assigned to Arkham Asylum and decided to quit the job before landing himself in Gotham General Hospital.

Damian didn't believe in the people and the doctor's assumptions, Amnesia?

They were foolish to believe such a thing with their minds.

There was something heinous and sinister in Jonas Cane.

Damian would get to the bottom of this mystery.


     Damian then soon arrived at Gotham Cinema where he knows Cane and his other classmates were supposed to watch a movie called Paranorman.

He was once invited by Cane but he refuse to participate in inane things.

Entering the room, he found the Huntress close and watching over her distant relative/distant niece. Bethany Altomare is currently unconscious.

All of the people in the room are unconscious and weren't crying, or screaming as the other vigilantes have reported through Oracle.

" Little D, have you arrived? "

He heard the voice of Oracle through his communicator.

Damian toned down the wave of frustration by the way that Gordon have called him. Unfortunately, since his first attempt at Drake's life and donning a Robin uniform – Timothy Drake is still the current official Robin.

Damian never got to dress in the robin uniform since then and after his father ordered him to remove it. ( Father is gone. No one can stop him from being the Robin except Grayson. )

He was currently wearing his league of assassins uniform paired with a domino mask.

Damian replied through the communicator.

" Yes, I have. Everyone is currently unconscious. Did Huntress forget to tell you Oracle? "

" Is that sarcasm I hear Little D? "

" Tt. "

" It is strange that the victims on your side are already unconscious. A sample of the new dose of fear gas is sent to Star Labs and they were currently working on the formula for the new antidote... "

He can hear Oracle muttering. Narrowing his eyes through his domino mask, the Huntress has omitted one piece of information from Oracle like him.

" Hello ~ Are you also a Vigilante? "

Jonas Cane approached him with a manic smile on his face and a tilt of his head.

Instead of looking cute, his classmate tilted his head resembling those possessed humans by demons in horror movie genres.

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