Chapter 13

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Suri was in the middle of her 9th month.
She was at home cooking, when she felt a little pain inside her belly.

She immediately got outside the kitchen.

Suri to herself "oh f*** it, dad's not home, Ella's at school. It's my delivery time what am I gonna do? God damn it!"

She took her phone out and started checking numbers to call.
She was about to click Kent's number when...
Suri thinking 'No! I should not call him, He's already upset because Of me, what will I say to him? God what do I do?'
Than finally with all the courage she dialled his number.

Kent was sitting in his office feeling depressed. His head was on the table and arms covered his face.
He took his phone in his hand to answer the call, he didn't read the caller's name.
Kent: "Hello!"
Suri: "Kent, it's Suri."
[she said in an hyper voice]
He immediately got up.
Kent: "Su, Suri what's wrong, why are you so hyper?"
[he asked worriedly]
Suri: "Kent, I think it's the time and no one's at home with me, I'm so scared!!"
[she said as she started to cry]
Kent: "The time? Is, is the baby on it's way? Your water broke???"
[he started questioning as he panicked]
Suri: "God Kent! can you please just take me to the hospital?"
[she said in annoyance]
Kent: "Yeah yeah yeah, I'm coming right away just don't hung up the call."
[he said as he ran out of his office still on call]
Suri: "Please be fast, it's hurting so bad..."
[she said holding her belly and phone]
Kent: "Yeah just few minutes babe! Don't hung up.."
[he said as he sat in his car and started driving]
Suri: "God! I'm not gonna take it anymore Kent, Please be fast, I hate being pregnant and I'm going to kill you for making me fat!"
[she started cursing him in nervousness]
Kent started chuckling and at the same time he got nervous too.
Kent: "Babe, just don't hung up okay, kill me once after you give birth!"
[he said joking]
Suri: "Don't joke you bas****, I hate you!"
[she said in anger]
Kent giggled.
Kent: "And I love you!"
[he said smiling]
Suri: "God! I have to hung up just come fast."
[she said as she disconnected the call]
Call ended.

Kent: "No, No su, No, Oh God! Hell, She's just crazy."
Suri throwed her phone on the couch and sat on the couch.
She started crying due to the pain.
Finally after 5 minutes.
Kent arrived at her house.
He came rushing inside.
Kent: "There you are, lets take you to the hospital"
[he said as he started picking suri up]
Suri: "Thank God!"
They sat inside his bmw and went towards the hospital.
Kent: "Everything will be just fine okay, you just need to hold on for few more minutes, you'll be okay just hold on."
Suri: "I'm not gonna make it Kent, I'm so nervous, I'm not gonna be able to give birth."
[she said as she cried panicking]
Kent: "Su, Su you're gonna do everything perfectly, just believe me, okay, We'll be great parents...."
[he said, than he realised he's not gonna be in her life anymore]
Suri looked at Kent.
Suri didn't said anything.

They both arrived at the hospital.
Doctors got Suri ready for her delivery.
Suri was very nervous.
Suri: "Stay by my side today."
[she said to Kent as she took his hand in her hand]
Kent smiled: "I love you."
Suri went inside the maternity ward.
Kent was waiting outside the maternity ward.

After an hour of hard work.
Finally a nurse came out with a baby.
Nurse: "Mr. Fredrickson!"
Kent looked at the nurse.
Nurse: "Congratulations, it's a girl!"
Kent started smiling in joy.
Kent: "She's, She's my daughter?"
[he said in disbelief]
Nurse nodded yes.
Kent: "God! I can't believe it, She's too beautiful, Hi there little one..."
[he said, smiling to his daughter]
Nurse smiled.
Kent: "How's Suri?"
Nurse: "She's fine, she'll come out in an hour."
Kent smiled: "Thank you!"
Nurse: "Your welcome."
Nurse left.

Kent sat on the chair with his daughter.
Kent to his daughter: "Hi baby! I'm your daddy, I know I look a little bit old but you know I'm really young mentally, you know your mommy don't want me in your life but it's fine, I've seen you today, I will love you till my heart feel satisfied in the next few precious minutes of our daddy daughter time, I love you so much, so so so much. You're too cute and you look exactly like me!"
[he played joyfully with his daughter]

After few hours.
It was night time.
Suri finally got up from her sleep.
John: "Hi suri, You wanna meet your baby?"
[he asked smiling]
Suri was actually very excited and happy.
Suri: "Yeah sure!"
Dr. John bought the baby girl in his arms.
Suri's tears began to fall seeing the baby.
John handed the baby to Suri.
John: "It's your girl"
Suri smiled beautifully as she saw her daughter for the first time.
Suri: "She's so gorgeous!"

Suri thinking while looking at her daughter 'She's so beautiful, how can I ever think to get rid of her, I am really a horrible person to do so. She's so amazing God thank you so much for blessing me with her, she's my angel and I'm not going to let her go away from me ever, I gave birth to her she's my daughter and my love.'

Just then she remembered Kent.
Suri: "Doctor where is Kent?"
John: "He's waiting outside."
Suri: "Can you please send him in?"
John nodded yes and left.

To be continued.....

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