chapter 1

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As the days passed,
Suri completed her highschool and entered her first year in college.

Kent's Visits to the Daffy's cafe became frequent, he went to coffee house not to drink coffee but to see Suri there.

               <<<At suri's home>>>
Suri: "Hi dad, you came home early?"
[she asked his father]
Stuart was upset.
Suri: "What's wrong dad?"
Stuart: "I'm sorry honey!"
Suri: "For what dad?"
[she got worried]
Stuart: "I won't be able to afford both of you and your sister's study fees anymore, I will be able to pay for only one of you"
[he said]
Suri got shocked.
Suri: "Dad, it's alright okay, that's no big deal, I've completed my highschool, I can find a better job now to pay my college fees. You should go for Ella, She's in school now."
[she said comforting him]
Stuart: "But daughter"
Suri: "It's fine dad"
[she said as she hugged him]
They both hugged.

Suri thinking 'I have to find a better job, this waitress job is fun but it isn't going to pay me good. If I want to study for further I have to find a better job for myself.'

She started searching jobs in newspapers, recruitment agencies and many more.

Daffy raymore (daffy cafe owner).
Suri went towards the kitchen to talk to Daffy.
Suri: "Hey Daf!"
Daffy turned.
Daffy: "What?"
Suri: "Um.. I want to leave the work"
[she said smiling]
Daffy: "What? Why suri?"
Suri: "Because my dad's unable to pay for my college studies and I can't afford studies with this job, so I have to move on."
[she explained]
Daffy nodded yes.
Daffy: "You're doing right, studies should come first, I totally accept your resignation but at least you're going to serve for next 1 week right?"
[he asked smiling]
Suri: "Yeah I will, I will be here until I found a better job."
Daffy: "Cool!"
[he smiled]

2 days later.
Suri was in the kitchen.
Kent came to the cafe.

Maisee (Another waitress of the cafe) came towards kent to take his order.

Maisee: "How can I help you sir?"
Kent looked at Maisee. He was wishing to see Suri.
Kent: "Isn't Suri here today?"
[he asked maisee confused]
Maisee got confused.
Maisee: "Yeah she is"
Kent: "Can you send her to take my order?"
[he said]
Maisee: "Yeah okay!"
[she got confused]

Maisee went inside the kitchen.
Suri was decorating a Cappuccino.
Maisee: "Su, there's a man asking for you to take his order"
[she said confused]
Suri looked at Maisee.
Suri: "Who is it?"
Maisee: "I don't know!"
Suri: "Wait I'll see"
Suri went outside the kitchen,
And started searching for the man.
Kent looked at Suri.

[he shouted to Suri]
Suri looked at Kent.
Suri: "Hi sir, What do you like to have?"
[she said smiling]
Kent smiled.
Kent: "You already know what I order everyday here"
Suri nodded yes and left.

Maisee: "Why is he so excited for you."
Suri: "What? Excited for me, come on Mais, he is my regular customer that's it."
Maisee: "okay."

Suri came out with coffee and cake, she was placing the cake and cup on his table just then..
Ryan: "Uh, Serving last cups of your coffee"
[he teased her]
Suri: "Oh come on Ryan, I'll come to visit you guys often after the leave."
[she said smiling]

Kent heard their conversation, he got shocked hearing about Suri's leave.
He felt very upset and uncomfortable.

Kent thinking 'this cafe is the only place where I can meet her and now she's leaving this place too, God! I have to stop her before she go away from me'

Suri left the cafe.
Kent saw her leave. He finished his coffee and left cake uneaten.
He rushed outside to catch Suri.

Kent: "EXCUSE ME?"
[HE shouted]
Suri turned.
Suri: "Hi!"
Kent: "Um, I'm sorry I overheard your conversation but are you leaving this place?"
[he asked confused]
Suri felt awkward.
Suri: "Yeah, Um, I'm quitting this job"
Kent: "BUT WHY?"
[he asked disgusted]
Suri: "Um.. Sorry but why would I tell you about my personal life?"
[she asked]
Kent stood staring at Suri.
He was speechless.
Suri saw his expression and felt bad.
Suri: "I want to study further and with this job I can't afford studies so I have to quit it and find a better one"
[she explained her situation]
Kent stood there thinking.
Suri started leaving.
Kent: "I can help you with it."
[he said loudly]
She turned.
Suri: "Really, how?"
[she asked confused]
Kent: "I have a job for you, take this address, go there, give your interview and I assure you they'll select you"
[he handed her his business card]
Suri was puzzled.
Suri: "Why are you so confident that they'll give me a job, do you belong there?"
[she asked extremely confused]
Kent: "Yeah It's my company"
[he said smiling]
Suri: "Okay, I'll try"
[she said as she started leaving]
Kent: "If you're going to come, Visit the company at 14:00 sharp tomorrow"
[he said loudly]
She nodded yes and left.

Kent smiled.
Kent thinking 'I know she'll come tomorrow'

To be continued.....

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