Chapter 14

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John to Kent: "Kent Suri wants you inside!"
Kent wiped his tears.
And went inside her room.

There was only Kent, Suri and their daughter in the room.
Suri: "Have you seen her?"
Kent smiled and nodded yes.
Kent: "She's beautiful isn't she?"
Suri smiled.
Kent looked at Suri.
Suri handed their daughter to Kent.
He was holding her tightly, Suri looked at them both and smiled.
He looked at Suri again.
Suri lean forward and started kissing Kent on his lips.
Just when he lost his balance.
Suri: "Oh God no!!"
[she said panicking]
Kent: "She's fine, She's fine, nothing happened to her..."
[he said as he sighed in relief]
They both looked at each other and started laughing.
Suri: "I love you!"
Kent got overjoyed.
Kent: "Does that mean that I can be in both of yours life?"
[he asked excitedly]
Suri smiled and nodded yes.
Kent handed their baby daughter to Suri.
Kent: "In that case I've got something for you my baby's momma"
[he said cutely]
Suri looked at him confused.
Kent took out his platinum ring from his ring finger, and raised it in front of Suri.
Kent: "Ms. Suri Harrington, would you like to be Mrs. Kent Fredrickson?"
[he asked in very cute way]
Suri started crying while holding her daughter.
Suri: "Oh God! Are you serious?"
Kent smiled and nodded yes.
Kent: "I'm dead serious this time!"
Suri smiled.
Suri: "Yes, I would love to!!!"
He got overwhelmed.
He inserted the ring in Suri's index finger although the ring was too big for Suri she didn't mind it.

Suri: "Hey!"
She said to Kent.
Kent: "What?"
Suri: "What are we gonna name her?"
Kent: "What do you want to name her?"
Suri looked at their daughter.
Suri: "She bought happiness in our lives, I think JOY would be perfect for her."
Kent nodded yes.
Kent: "I love the name JOY, She's the most precious gift I've ever got from you."
Suri smiled.
They all leaned for a family hug.

After a year.
When Suri turned 22 and Kent turned 36,
They both got married, their daughter Joy turned 1 year old.
Suri shifted with Kent in his home and they all lived happily.

The end of the short story.

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