Chapter 1 Part 8- Roped Up in a Killing Game

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"So... we could've saved her..." Kawata said, a despair filling his eyes.

"What did she eat again? It was a beneigh, right?" Morita responded.

"So, the killer used the powder that was already there to disguise their poison... huh..." Sazama replied.

"Wait, doesn't that mean that our list of suspects had gone down!?" Arima said. "So, whoever made the food is the killer!"

"So, it was Otani?" Tengan replied.

"H- huh? What!?" Otani responded. "I- I'm not the killer! I would never do anything like that!"

"That's what a killer would say!" Imamura replied.

"And it's what someone who's been framed would say! And I'm being framed!" He yelled back in a panic.

"And the dessert dishes... weren't they all specifically made for certain people?" Taguchi said.

"Yeah! They were, weren't they!?" Morita replied.


Non-stop Debate!

Dessert Dishes
Cleaning Supplies
Sugai Tatsuo's Account
Plates in the Sink

"Just face it Otani. We figure sit out, you monster..." Imamura said.

"B- but, we still have so much we need to figure out! Sh- shouldn't we go over more in the case before start accusing people?" Otani asked.

"But, weren't the dishes all specially made?" Shishido asked.

"W- well, yes, but that doesn't mean-"

"And you were the one who set up the party, correct?" Tengan said.

"Y- yes, but that's not-"

"So you poisoned Furuya's dish, so that no one would be able to figure out it was you!" Miyazaki's said.

"N- no, I didn't-"

"Face it. No one else ate any of the other dishes, so it has to be you." Sazama said.

"NO THAT'S WRONG!!!" I yelled.

"Sazama, that's not right. Sugai ate every single dish at that party, remember?" I replied.

"O- oh, yeah, I guess he did." She responded.

"Hirano, if we get out of this alive, I promise to give you life time supply of baked goods..." Otani said with a sigh of relief.

"Um, I- I'm quite alright. Y- you don't have to do th- that." I replied.

"Aaaawwwwww, I want a life time supply of baked goods..." Sugai commented.

"Wait..." Naito paused. "Um, doesn't that mean that Sugai is the killer?"

"H- huh?" He said.

"Well... since he was able to visit every dish, and stole multiple of them, couldn't he have taken her food and poisoned it?" Naito suspected.

"No, I don't believe Sugai would do that." Kajiwara replied.

"Huh? Why not Kajiwara?" Sugai asked.

"..." Kajiwara said.

"I mean, we just met right? I could be the killer." Sugai replied with a wink.

"I'm confused. Is he the killer?" Sazama asked.

"As much as I'd like to be funny right now, no. I'm not the killer." He said.

"Y- you're just saying that! You did it, didn't you!?" Imamura replied.

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