Chapter 5 Part 15: The Good, The Bad, And The Blackened

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(Warning! This chapter carries topics of abuse! Please proceed with caution.)

I stared at the ceiling, unmoving, unfeeling. Unable to comprehend what my ears had heard earlier this night. After everything had happened, Kawata took Yamazaki... Daiton.. whoever he was to the sacrifice dome to be locked up. He didn't fight it, he just followed behind him.

He's... the traitor. For a while, I actually didn't think there was a traitor. And if there was... well... I don't know how I would've reacted. Out of everyone... I think Yamazaki... DAITON... would be the traitor. Why is he the traitor? Why did he do all of this? How did he hide the fact he was Daiton Ishiko for so long!?

I wasn't able to tell what happened. I'm... I'm Hano Yoshiko? No! No that's impossible! I'd remember if I was a serial killer! I- I wouldn't do something like that! Never! I'm not Hano Yoshiko! Suddenly, the monitor turned on.

"Hey everyone! Man, last night was EVENTFUL!!! But it is now 7 AM, so you've got to get up and interact with each other! Ripe times for a murder to happen!" Ressa said, before it shut off. I sat up, staring at the edge of my bed.

I hadn't slept the whole night. I just... wasn't able to wrap my head around everything. I probably couldn't fall asleep even if I tried. I probably wouldn't even be able to get up right now. But I have to. Right now. Or I won't be able to get out ever again.

I forced myself to sit up, nearly falling out of the bed when I did. I stood up, my legs slightly shaking. I stumbled over to my closet, getting my shoes on, before getting out of my room. Everyone else was already out in the hallway... except for Yamazaki. Daiton. I keep getting his name wrong.

I stepped into line next to Arima, who quickly ran away and hid behind Otani. Sugai stared at me blankly, and Imamura didn't really seem to react to my presence. Kawata, on the other hand, was staring directly at me. It was like he was thinking about something, but was divided between two answers.

"Otani." He said, looking down at his clipboard. Everyone remained silent. After a couple moments, Otani responded.


"Arima." Kawata said.

"I'm here."

"Imamura." Kawata continued.


"Sugai." He stated.


"... Hano Yoshiko..." he said. I stared at him silently, unable to comprehend what he just said. He... he really thinks I'm Hano Yoshiko?

"I- I'm not-" I started.

"Hano Yoshiko." He stated once more. Tears started to race down my face, as I stared at the floor. There's no way... I can't be Hano Yoshiko! Sh- she's a serial killer! I- I've only killed one person before, and that was by accident! I- I... there's no way!

"... I'm here..." I mumbled, silently weeping into my hands. I pulled myself together. Wiping the tears from my eyes. "W- where's Yamazaki?"

"Currently, Daiton is in the sacrifice dome in my custody. I'm going to be interrogating him, so everyone remain safe. If you are fearing for your life, please stay in your rooms." Kawata said, walking away. Almost immediately, Arima ran back into his room, slamming the door behind him. Otani, almost hesitantly walked over to me.

"... Hirano... i- is it true? A- are you..." he started. He couldn't finish his own sentence.

"N- no! I'm not!" I insisted. Otani took a couple of quick breaths.

"I- I'm sorry, it's just... s- so unbelievable..." he said. He looked as if he'd been betrayed, tears in his eyes. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna go bake something..." he said, walking towards the dining hall. The last three of us just remained still, unmoving from our spot. I could feel my mind spinning.

Danganronpa: Melancholic MayhemDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora