Chapter 5 Part 18: The Good, The Bad, And The Blackened

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I stared at the ground for a moment, but the idea became more clear as time passed by. I looked up at the group, taking a deep breath.

"They walked Hirano Rei to the office room." I said. Everyone remained silent.

"What." Imamura blurted out, glaring at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Think about it." I replied. "Hirano's not stupid. That note was extremely fucking suspicious. There's no way she'd go there by herself. So she went and got someone to join her at the office room."

"S- so... you're saying she... went and got someone she trusted to go with her to the office... and that person just happened to be the accomplice?" Kawata asked.

"Exactly." I said. Kawata tilted his hat down in front of his head, his teeth gritting.

"Shit..." he muttered.

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe that Daiton." Otani interrupted. I groaned, placing a hand on my face. I'm so fucking tired of this.

"Let's just get this fucking over with..." I said, tiredly folding my arms.

Missing Keys
Secret Passageway
Ultimate Lab Key
Office Key

"The accomplice could've put the key underneath Hirano's door, and she could've taken it and used it on the lock to the office room." Otani explained. "After all, Arima did tell me that people were allowed to lend keys to one another."

"But how would Hirano know she'd need to use a key on the office door?" I asked.

"Well, she wouldn't. But finding a key next to that note would make it pretty obvious that she'd need to bring it." Otani said in response. "The killer could have easily slid it under the door to her." I paused.

This didn't make any sense. There's no evidence that points to her being with another person at the office. At least, at the moment. But I just have this gut feeling that Hirano went with someone else to the office room. But there's no way to prove it to everyone right now. Hirano isn't stupid. She wouldn't just go to the office without a plan. It's way too suspicious to get a note telling you to come to the office room. Especially at 2:00 AM, no matter what kind of information she wanted to get.

Alright, I'm gonna have to do it. I'm going to have to lie. Even though I don't want to, I have to, at the moment, there's no way of proving that she went to the office with another person. I'm not going to let the loss of evidence ruin this trial. I'm not gonna let this killer get away with the crime of killing Hirano. That's a fact.

"Actually, the killer nor the accomplice could have slipped the key underneath the door." I said.

"H- huh? Why not?" Arima asked.

"Well, I thought that maybe the killer would have slipped the key under the door of the office, so I tried to test it to see if it would fit underneath the door. But it didn't work. The key was too wide and the door was too close to the ground for it to go under it." I explained. Imamura glared at me, one of her eyebrows raised at me. I stared at her angrily in return.

"S- so... Hirano didn't go to the office by herself? Th- there was no way for the accomplice to get the key to her." Arima said.

"Th- that means... she really did get someone she trusted to bring her to the office room." Kawata stated, looking sort of sickly.

"Well FUCK, she trusted literally everyone here!" Imamura snapped.

"A- are we sure about that?" Arima asked. "I- I mean, did she really t- trust Yamazaki?" I folded my arms, looking down at the ground.

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