Chapter 17

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"We're late," Esa grumbled, increasing her steps as they walked to the party a week later. Equally matched with each other, they'd lost track of time earlier, training nearly all afternoon inside Esa's suite.

"Late is perfect," Imani stated. "Let everyone look their fill when we enter."

Esa nodded with a look of approval. "Brilliant," she muttered, adjusting her breasts so her chest was even more exposed.

Despite Esa's gown conforming to the current fashion, she looked anything but drab. Pinned up flawlessly, her hair sparkled like a sapphire, and her violet eyes shone bright and big. But it was the wings that drew everyone into her orbit. Normally tucked tight against her back, the startling butterfly wings gifted to High Sprites were spread wide—stunning enough to be a topic of conversation on their own.

Excited energy hummed around the atrium, filled with people already enjoying drinks and aperitifs.

A High Sentinel and her mate were announced, then another, and another, until Imani wondered if she stood in a room with all nine of the High Sentinels of the Essenheim Kingdom. But only a few pixies stood around and no elves except Master Selhey, so that couldn't be true.

Power and prestige moved over her skin as if they seeped into the air she breathed. Anywhere she laid her eyes, money, money, money looked back at her. Females and males of all breeds mingled, smiling and laughing. Long gowns, sequins, and fitted bodices on the females, finely cut suits and waistcoats on the men.

Longing to belong in this world of power and magic hit her. A frivolous desire, but at least for one night, she would pretend she did.

People's eyes widened, and some whispered amongst each other, making no secret that they were gossiping about the unusual pair. For a fleeting moment, Imani felt insecure. But with one glance at Esa—all assured sexuality and confidence with her gorgeous blue hair and wings—she squared her shoulders and held her head high as they strode toward their waiting group.

"Sideòs," Esa purred, kissing his cheek in greeting. "Let me introduce your date, Meira Aowyn."

His black waistcoat and boots made the captain of the guard's raven hair more noticeable. His jacket was draped over his shoulder.

"Pleasure," Imani murmured in greeting, trying to hide her surprise. He took her hand and offered it a kiss.

A vision overtook her senses but lasted only seconds.

Sideòs' death seemed to be on a battlefield. The scene was wrought with chaos and confusion. Finally, his last words were a sound—a massive roar as some giant creature ripped his head from his body.

The sight dissipated, but Imani had to work to get her breathing under control. So horrific she could barely look at the male.

"Meira? Are you alright?" He held her hand tighter.

Nodding, she took a few shallow breaths. "Yes, thank you, Sideòs."

"Please call me Sid."

Esa turned back to Imani. "This is Aidan, whom I know is dying to meet you."

"The enigmatic elf witch—we meet at last." The shifter beside them raked his gaze down her, slow and deliberate, not caring how boldly his eyes took in her body. He gave her a lazy smile, but she thought his eyes held a note of suspicion. "I've been curious to meet the only witch to gain a private audience with the prince."

His death vision came on slower. A roar dulled the noise around her as she watched Aidan in her mind.

He wrestled on the ground with someone, then a shocked look took over his face before a massive bear of a man approached him.

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