Chapter 27

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Another laugh seemed to tug at his mouth as he pushed off the wall. "I didn't expect you to be the one to come here tonight. It's rare when something—or someone—takes me by surprise." He touched his chin where a shadow of dark facial hair had grown, thinking. "This surprised me, though.

She fought an eye roll. "I exist to surprise you."

"I like hearing you say that to me," he smirked, that wild look back. He raked his hand through his messy hair, and Imani's magic pulled uncomfortably, reaching for him again.

Elves, she thought bitterly as his features overwhelmed the room, devastatingly elven yet no less predatory. His strong jaw and brow seemed too defined, his hair and demeanors too dark. Like other elf breeds, without glamour, his body betrayed his emotion. Right now, his complexion shimmered gold, glowing and bright. He was pleased and excited but also a bit weary.

Too much, as Ara would say.

For once, Imani agreed.

"Esa was marvelous as well. You're a well-matched pair." He shrugged his shirt on, still staring at her. "Are you jealous you saw us together?" There was an air of mischief in his tone.

Her brows rose to her hairline. "Jealous?" Imani huffed out a laugh. "No. I was showing her that actions have consequences. We are not sleeping together if that's what you meant by 'well-matched pair.'"

"That is not what I meant. But after that scene? What a lovely image. You have no idea." He glanced at the door again. "How did you get through? I placed the wards myself."

Imani ignored him and plowed on, still not seeing the point of this visit. It seemed like he was only interested in taunting and toying with her like some plaything. "Why am I here?"

He smiled. An expression that would have been dazzling if not for its cruelty. "I just wanted to see who and what we're dealing with first before we discuss a potential partnership." One of his eyebrows flicked up. "And I must say, I'm impressed."

"What could you possibly want from me?"

"Nothing." He began buttoning his shirt a bit, but not all the way. A vast expanse of brands covered his exposed skin. Dozens of bindings that he didn't bother glamouring were burned into him.

"Bullshit. Everyone wants something." They didn't know each other, and she had every reason not to trust him.

"Technically, my brother wants something, but we'll get to that in a moment." He watched her for a second, then added, "Esa works for me—"

"—that's what you call working?"

"No, that was just a distraction. Some fun. Made more fun by your interruption and subsequent tantrum."

"You do not want to see me throw an actual tantrum," she said coolly, staring down her nose at him while thinking about what his kingdom wanted to do to hers. It wasn't him she hated—although he was quickly working his way onto that list—but such a sniveling, entitled arsehole epitomized Niflheim breeds and reminded her of Malis.

"Hmm, perhaps." He bit his lip, angling his head to study her more. "You're the only female High-Norn elf here."

"I'm well aware. Do you have a point?"

"Your illusion keeps your magic well hidden. You're more stunning than they said—and I can't tell you how much that pleases me."

Walking forward, he suddenly loomed over her, although she supposed that wasn't too hard to do with his considerable height and broad shoulders. His leering made her skin crawl. "I couldn't care less about pleasing you. I want to speak to your brother."

The Elf Witch |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now