Chapter-52 Part-2 Sweet Blood

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Maricella wakes up with a slight headache.
" Forgive me, but this is as far as I can go. The portal will close soon, and I want to be on my master's side when things become more complicated ." Says the woman's voice that sounds so familiar to her.
Then she felt her body move and was placed in something cold like damp soiled ground.
" I understand, we will be fine here, Moira, thank you." Said the other voice that sounded just next to me.
Maricella slowly opened her eyes and saw Martha's worried face staring back at her.

" Martha? What are you doing here? " She asked very confusedly.
The last time she remembered the oracle was the day before her happy birthday.
It was the day that she also predicted that Maricella would meet her soulmate at Thrust Academy.
But wait?!
Isn't it today?! Confused she stood up, and almost fell on the ground but luckily Martha is one hell of a girls' scout. She quickly stood up and held me steady.
" Easy now,  Maricella, you have to be very careful with your movements. "
" I'm fine, Martha, but why are we here? " she wondered how on earth did she get so close to the oracle that they became friends. It seems like Martha can read her mind. She smiled at her.
" I know there are a lot of confusing thoughts running through your head right now, and I promised to answer it all, but for now, we need to head south. We're in the middle of an imminent war. We must find a way to stop it." Martha ushered her to move, but it only confuses her more. Nothing from what Martha is blabbering about makes sense to her at all.
" Wait, Martha, stop?! What the heck is going on ?! Why am I even here in the first place?! Fuck! Ouch!" She grimaces when ripples of headache erupt in her head.
Maricella can see the troubled look on Martha's face. The oracle tried to open and closed her mouth, but nothing came out of it.  She stared at her very puzzled by Martha's reactions.
All she can remember was bidding goodbye to her parents and riding in the school bus heading to Thrust Academy aside from that, She can't remember anything else.
Martha stopped on track and helplessly gazed at me before scanning the surrounding.
" I'm sorry, Maricella. I swear to explain everything to you later.
But now this can't be helped," and with that, she shouted with all her might.
" Prince Dalton, anyone?! We're here! " Her loud voice made Maricella's eyes widen in shock. One thing that captured her sensitive hearing was the name the oracle said "Prince Dalton." Mumbling his name on her tongue made her heart pound erratically.
What the hell?! There's probably something much wrong with her body.

A few seconds later, the rustling sound of trees caught her attention. Thousands of footsteps march on the ground followed by the crunching sounds of dried leaves. Hearing those heavy footsteps heading in their direction makes her feel anxious. Her first instinct is to stand in a defensive mode and she expected Martha to do the same but to her surprise when she glanced at her, the oracle seemed calm and collected.  It's like she already knows whoever is approaching us.
When Maricella finally saw who was marching towards them, her worries turned into shock seeing a flock of Demons army, some of them resembled the mortals, but some remained in their demon form. They stopped in front of us and unison bowed their heads when they saw her.
Oh dear is she dreaming?! Her nerves are killing her and her tummy started to hurt.
She rubbed her hands on it to ease the pain, but she was even more baffled when she felt a small bump on it. Wait? Did she gain more kilos?
She was not yet done examining herself when she saw the swarm of demon army greeting her.
"Princess Maricella, We finally found you"  She wondered why there was a hint of concern in their voice.
Shit! What's happening here?!
Speechless, She turns her head to look for a possible answer from Martha. The oracle gave her a reassuring look which started to annoy her.
When she glanced back at the swarm of an armored army in front of her, she didn't know anymore what else to think. Everything doesn't make sense.
Why the fuck are they calling her a Princess?! And why does Martha even look so calm?!
Damn it! All she knows is that she's just a lowly immortal unappealing to her kind, and now she becomes a Princess?!
How on earth was that even possible?
Wait?! Maybe this is just a dream.
Hell yeah, that's right, this is all a fucking dream that looks so freakin real.
" Hey, Martha, can you pinch me? Please wake me up. It's freaking me out!" She pleaded before grabbing Martha's arms and encircling them with her.
" Oh dear, I wish this is just a dream, but sadly it's all real. I'll explain everything to you later, ok?!" She said to me and gripped my arms tighter.
Dumbfounded, Maricella looks at the oracle like she grows two heads.
But her determined face revealed everything.
"Fuck! Are you sure this is all real?! " She was so confused. Maricella could feel Martha's rapid heart beating and her skin was sweating cold.
" Make way! " A demon from the flock of an army in front of her shouted out. She still wanted to interrogate Martha but her attention went back to them.
She saw them split into two groups. She heard two beating hearts and a rushing footstep toward them.
A lump formed in her throat, waiting for them to come into her view.
Her heart leaps in happiness when she sees who's running; it's her mom and dad!
Relief flooded her mind seeing them. She released her arms around Martha and sprinted to meet her parents halfway. She was quickly engulfed in her parent's warm comforting hug.
" Ohh my baby, did he hurt you?! How did you guys escape?! Ohh god it doesn't matter anymore! I'm so happy you're free " Her mom mumbled incoherently while crying. Maricella pulled herself out of their hug and stared at both of them with a perplexed look.
" Princess don't you remember anything? " her dad noticed right away that something is not ok with her.
" I honestly don't know why I'm here Dad, I—I can't remember a thing?! " She nodded her head on both sides.
She was so troubled by everything that she started to cry.
Her dad quickly pulled her in a hug murmuring soothing words in her ears to calm her down.
"Oh princess, it's all right we will fix this. Don't worry we're here now." Her dad said while caressing her hair.
Although she's happy seeing her parents, it still troubled her that she can't remember why she's here in the first place.
When Maricella glanced around she caught someone staring at her so intently.
She saw a man with jet-black hair and quite an outstanding look from all the demons around. He is standing a few meters apart from her dad. When both meet gaze It's like  Maricella is lost in those pitch-black orbs and was brought into a different kind of space. Her heart skipped a beat and her mouth watered.
A warm feeling inside of her started to ignite.

She sniffed the air when the wind blew on her and an irresistible scent hit her nose that her eyes naturally closed familiarizing herself with its smell.
She pulls out from her father's warm hug and starts walking around trying to figure out where that scent is coming from.
She strode around until she ended up in front of the guy who was staring back at her intently. When she gazes up she can't fathom why she's seeing in those dark orbs a glimpse of love and admiration while staring at her. Is she being played by her sight or does he know her? Maricella's hand seems like it has its mind. They itch their way to caress his cheek, wanting to ease the pain, longing, and worries that made the Demon's forehead etched with lines.
His thick brows furrowed but it never lessened his enigmatic look. He looked more manly and appealing in her eyes.
"That scent, it's coming from you." She declared. Relief flooded his face as he smiled at her while leaning his head on her palm.
" Yes, my love it's me, Dalton. I finally found you." She was shocked when the demon engulfed her in a tight hug without her permission. Her face was buried in his chest.
Goddess! The scent is heavenly! The heat coming from his body made the warm feeling inside of her completely spread her entire body.
She pulled herself a little, giving them some space but when she scanned the surrounding she saw red everywhere.
Maricella started to crave something that she can't figure out. Her eyes caught those two pulsating veins in the crook of the demon's neck. It was very disturbing before she knew it, her arms snaked their way to the back of his head. She felt her fang elongate as she licked his exposed skin. She could feel the demon shudder in delight but what he didn't expect is her next move. She sank her teeth into his skin and bit him. Maricella moans in delight, sucking the sweetest blood she ever tasted.
Everyone was stunned by what she did, except Martha.
She heard the Demon who called me 'my love' just a few seconds ago cursed incoherent words. But before Maricella could even register everything that was happening, she felt her world start spinning around until the light diminished, their voices became so distant and before she knew it she was consumed by the darkness.

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