Chapter -61 part-2

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A soft giggle brought them back to reality.
" Seeing the two of you act like this reminds me of the old times. There's nothing that changes." Abi's face looks like she's reminiscing.
" Ahem! Excuse me, Ms.Abi, for interrupting your daydreaming but I brought you guys here not to discuss that but to discuss how I can work here without having a problem or being accused of stealing someone else mate.
So, Shall we go back to the main topic?
I'm sure this lady here wishes to regain her lost memories right?"
His silvery orbs stared straight into Maricellas eyes. She could feel a strong connection between them that she can't describe.
She noticed Dalton's hand gripping her waist a bit harder but not enough to hurt her.
She glance up at her husband and saw his eyes is covered in ash smoke when their gaze met. Maricella is astounded by the emotion swirling in those ashen deep black orbs, there's anger, frustration, and doubt in his eyes and she can't bear seeing all of this. She felt the need to do something to appease his mind so she smiled at her husband reassuringly and lay her hand on his cheeks. Instantly his face softened and was replaced with pure love and admiration for her.
" My love, I belong to no one else but you." She was surprised by what just came out of her mouth but she can help it. She wanted to comfort him. He responded by murmuring thank you to her before pecking a kiss on her lips.
When she scans the surroundings she sees Serina and Abi giggling while the other men are looking so serious.
"So? I assumed you guys would hear me out now." The New professor drew their attention back to him.
They all stared at him ready for what he might spill. She, of course, is the most drawn to it. She wishes he knows something to help her.
" Ok, I know all of you know that I captured Maricella and in-bonded her to her real mate. My deep apologies for that. But it's the only way I know how to save my Vampire race. I, the King of All Vampires was on the verge of ending my life at that moment but was stuck from being responsible to all of my people.
I can't let many live disappear because of my selfish action and so I captured Maricella. During those times Maricella agreed to sacrifice her memories to save not only me but all the normal and hybrid vampires like her.
After things went smoothly. As you can see, I can now freely walk in the daytime without burning into ashes. But that's only temporary happiness that I felt because I knew Maricella will eventually search for her lost memories.
I felt I owe her so much for sacrificing herself for the good of her kind. I asked for help on how I can bring back those lost memories of her.
I gathered a few genius scholars from vampire society all over the world and we began searching for an answer and we all end up in one conclusion." He pauses for a second, scanning Maricela's reaction. She felt Dalton's interlace their hand giving it a light press which she presumed was his assurance that he was there for her whatever happens. She regained more confidence to face the truth. She smiled at her Creator and muttered "please go on." urging him to continue. Even though she is surprised to see the one reason they are walking here on the earthy world she didn't voice it out.
It's overwhelming to know that she is the cure he needs and the reason why we are still co-existing with the mortals but she is also glad that she could be of any help though what she sacrificed was a bit too much on her side.
Our King smiled back at her and said. " Yes, certainly Maricella..." There's this fondness in his voice whenever he utters her name but she blocks it in her head not wanting to entertain any other emotion to hover over her.
"So as I'm saying when I bite Maricella to drink her blood, it's natural for us vampires to share each other's memories. I have all her memories starting from she was born until she grows up, the day she ride the bus and went here until the last time we bid our goodbye" she then again felt Dalton's suppress anger emitting on her not wanting things to halt she stared at her husband and caress his hand gently to calm him down. She knows how hard it is for him to control his emotions right now, hearing all of this also hurt her deep inside but if there's a cure for her lost memories she will gamble for it. For the sake of her baby and her husband.
After a few seconds passed and Dalton started to calm down. What surprised her is that he talked to her creator. 
"So what are you suggesting now King Theo." His voice is so cold and deadly that she could feel goosebumps all over her body.
King Theo smiled not affected by Dalton's domineering voice and continued his explanation.
" I want Maricella to drink a few drops of my blood—"
"What?! Are you fucking kidding me?! I would never let my wife drink your fucking blood!" In a blink she was sitting on the couch and Dalton is now standing. His back is facing her covering her line of sight. She can feel his fuming anger that is about to burst out. She knew he was going to attack King Theo, Luckily she was fast on gripping his shirt before he shifted himself next to her creator.
" Dalton Stop it please." She begged of him with teary eyes. She doesn't know why she felt scared that the two of them might suddenly start a fight.
One look at her pitiful face, and he gave in. He kneels embracing her stomach hugging her tight but not enough to squeeze their baby. He nuzzles his nose in her clothes inhaling her scent deeply to calm his heart and mind.
" I'm so sorry my love." He whispered before he let her go and change back our position to its original setting.
He possessively clings his hand around my belly, a stance that is overprotective like at any moment she will be snatched again from him.
"I see that you're still a hot-tempered demon prince but Prince Dalton. I can assure you there's nothing you have to worry about. I didn't come here to take her away. I came here to help a friend and of course, after this, I also want to enjoy my life. She doesn't need to mark me, she just needs to drink a few drops of my blood that I can slit on my wrist, and then she will regain her lost memories. It's very simple if you just open your mind to possibilities and don't misinterpret my kindness. I also have one condition." King Theo pauses awaiting what Dalton has to say.
" And what is it?"Dalton asked seriously.
" Oh it's very easy, I would be happy if the two of you will go back to the Demon World. I know you're busy preparing to become a King in the demon realm and it's essential for Maricella to give birth on the land of her king so why not go home as fast as you can."
"Is that all?"
" Yes that's all, Please don't think that I don't want to see guys around. I mean no harm, I just like this idea of being the only handsome history Professor on campus but if you are here I will have a competition and I hate it.
So shall we?" King Theo asked.
Abi and Serina, although they are suppressing their laughter their giggles still can be heard. The Dean cleared his throat and gazed at his daughter, there are no spoken words but she saw Serina walk to her father's desk grab an empty glass, and hand it over to King Theo. Maricela's creator didn't waste more time as we all watched him slit his wrist and let a few droplets of blood stain the glass. When his wound is closed he lifts the glass to show to us before putting it back on the coffee table next to him.
" I assume you guys will heed my request and will be gone within this week. Live well and congratulations to the both of you." with that King, Theo disappeared from the room leaving all of them speechless.

I'M IN LOVE WITH A DEMON PRINCENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ