42: A whole Month????

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>sorry for the late update<

Noor's pov

I stared at my phone for the hundredth Time hoping to see his name flash or anything. It's been 2 days and I'm still in my room. I've not gone out there since when I came up here and honestly I don't plan on going downstairs.

I'm pretty sure everyone knows bout what I did and are all disappointed in me but I only needed to talk to Zayn first, I know I've hurt him more than everybody but he just doesn't want to listen or see me.

A lone tear escaped my eye as I was lying down on my back. I heard a soft knock on the door and i responded a bit loud so whoever it is can hear me. "Come in"

The door creaked open and Humaira appears along with Hanifa and Aaliya behind her. I had totally forgotten about them. Don't get me wrong I have a lot going on in my life right now.

I sat upright to face them. I had a feeling they already knew what was going on judging from their facial expressions. Hanifa sat next to me "it's like you've forgotten about us" she said but there was no smile on her face.

"I know you are going through a lot at the moment Noor and that's why we are not going to push you into telling us everything" Aaliya spoke calmly.

The room went silent after that and I decided to speak "I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong, I should have sought advice from my family and friends" I started hating the fact that I always break down when talking.

"I'm sorry, I regret not informing you about it...." I trailed off not knowing what to say. What was there to say? They already know everything and I have not legit excuse to explain my actions.

"You remember how you reacted when we hid such a small thing from you right? What you did isn't a small thing" Hanifa states looking at me intensively with disappointment.

"Just know that we are not angry with you in fact, no one is. We are just disappointed in you. As an adult you were supposed to sit and think about what Husna was influencing you to do. Weren't you seeing the red flags?" Humaira asked.

"I didn't suspect anything, I was blinded by the determination to abort my baby. I was so stupid not to see what she was actually up to. Now Zayn doesn't even want to see me" my voice cracked at the end. Hanifa hugged me side ways while rubbing my back.

"I'm sorry" I muttered in between my sobs. "Humaira and I have to go, we have some important stuff to do" Aaliya started.

"We will be back in the evening or tomorrow but Hanifa will be here with you" Humaira completed looking at both Aaliya and Hanifa as if she was giving them a silent sign.

"Okay" I responded ignoring my thoughts and wiping my tears with the back of my hand. "Won't you come downstairs, Mama said you've been in this room since yesterday" Aaliya said.

"I don't want to see ya Faruk and Baba. Especially Baba, I feel so ashamed to face them. I just can't" I explained to them.

"You'll have to face them sooner or later" Aaliya stated before they both left the room. I slumped my head on Hanifa's shoulder ready to start crying but the tears aren't willing to flow.

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