Sex or Assault

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 I never did let him have that conversation. I moved forward and pressed on. I worked during the day hung with my girls when I wanted and even went on a few dates. Oh yes, all the dates. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone new. I may be exaggerating because while I haven't been celibate I haven't had a revolving door. I do take joy in telling Raine all about the sexy men I've entertained. Solely for the reason when she presses me or more details like a good bestie should, Brandon gets a very prominent vein in the middle of his forehead. I try to see how quicky I can get it to appear, it's the small joys.

For the past nine months I have been living my life as a Sex in the City wannabe. No shame, lots of drinks and learning to love myself. So, when Brandon's sister invited me on her birthday trip to Vegas, I was all for it. Right up my alley, drinks, and my girls. I hesitated when I found out Nero would be going on the same trip, but I wouldn't let that stop me from having this experience with the people most important to me.

You know, I am woman hear me roar.

In reality I am an idiot, and I just woke up on day three of the four day Vegas trip to the consequences of my own actions. I quickly grab my phone and run to the bathroom to call my emotional support person.


"Yes Leana, who else? Do you have something to tell me Raine?" I whisper shout, before plopping down on the toilet seat.

'Why are you whispering?"

"Because! Answer me!"

"Uh, no? I mean we were all pretty drunk last night so I can't be sure. I woke up asleep on Brandon's back and he was half off the bed. Shit either got freaky or I assaulted my husband."

"Raine, listen to me. Your cousin is ass naked in my bed."

"Nova?" She asks.

"Nova? Why the hell-. No, a different child of the Nights."

"Nero? Ewww." I stand up and look at myself in the mirror. My hair is knotted, I have mascara and eyeliner halfway down my face with lipstick smeared.

"Lord Jesus, I just saw my face and I am rocking the trash panda look."

"I'm probably looking the same, I just don't care. I'm married and he's stuck with me at this point."

"Raine, I don't know what the hell happened after shot number five last night. All I know is I did NOT come to Vegas to do the dirty tango with Voldemort." I reach for a washcloth to start cleaning up the tragedy that is my face and hear her snort through the phone. Looking over to where the washcloths should be something catches my eye. I automatically freeze, completely ignoring everything Raine is saying on the phone. I start to feel lightheaded, I shove my phone between my ear and my shoulder and lean on the sink. Taking a deep breath I focus on what I am seeing. Without a word I hang up on Raine, and with and unidentifiable feeling running through me I yank pen the bathroom door and rush into the bedroom. Grabbing my heel, I find on the floor I chuck it at Nero's back.

"What the hell?" He sits up and I see him notice me. There is shock on his face quicky followed by male pride. Finding my other heel, I quickly throw it at him again, which sadly he dodges.

"Yeah, what the hell Nero!" I yell, taking a deep breath I look try to calm down.

"Care to explain when in the FUCK we got married Nero Night!"

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