Chapter XIII

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Ling Zhirou jogged in the forest as quickly as she could with her leg searing in pain. She had finished about fifty percent of the mission and had to quickly finish before it got dark or it would be very difficult.

"Have you found the children, Jade?"

With the earpiece in her left ear coming to life she replied, " Yes, they divided the children into two groups. I have ensured that the first group is headed your way."

A snake slithered in her path making her stumble and gasp.

The voice coming from the earpiece paused sensing something," Are you okay, Jade. Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay, big brother. It's nothing much . I have to finish this right now and return soon. I had help on the way."

"You shouldn't have done this alone...", The guy scolded and paused talking through the earpiece to talk to someone on the other line. " Yeah it's her. She's okay. Ok ah, wait....!"

She heard a shifting in the earpiece and a female voice rang out, " Jade, do you copy?!"

She almost fell from the loud voice in her ear," Yes, I copy. What is it?"

"Master said he doesn't approve of your method. And you'll receive your punishment for disobeying his orders. Our group was supposed to go in together. You're just a rookie and you dare to go in alone!"

"I'm prepared for any punishment as long as I help these people. I want to make a statement and do this alone."

The female voice sighed at that," Well when you come back you're gonna have an earful from me, young lady."

" You're just a year older that me Mist."

"Whatever, just do this quickly and come back. We can't intefere or else the rescue will be ruined."

"Ok. Thank you for covering for me."

The line was cut short and she picked up a small bag she hid in the trees right about where she was standing.
There were tranquilizers, tools, acupuncture needles and some medicines for various purposes.

She trekked into the forest till she saw the traffickers upfront moving as fast as they could with the environment since it was getting dark.

She tied her hair and wore a black face mask that covered her neck to nose and crouched in the bushes.

She waited at a safe distance and was about to load the tranquilizer when she heard something move behind her.

If her ears weren't focused, she would have missed it. She quickly loaded it and aimed.

The figure swooshed through the bushes and appeared in front of her.

She was surprised it was a boy about her age. Dressed in dark trousers and a blue shirt ,Ling Zhirou was stunned at his appearance here not knowing how to react.

Snapping out of her reverie , she tackled the boy to the ground. One of the traffickers stopped at the sound and looked around suspiciously with narrowed eyes.

"Did you hear something?", He nudged his partners who were walking with him and behind the group of children.

They shook their heads but looked around to clear their suspicions.

"You guys guard the kids. I'll look into the bushes."

For a few moments he searched the bushes and almost came close to where the two where.

Ling Zhirou closed the mouth and nose of the boy with her left hand with her right hand holding the tranquilizer gun.

When the man went away, she quickly got up and aimed the tranquilizer at the boy.
" Who are you?"

Ties And Fate (Book 1)✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora