Chapter LV

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Xi Jinwei sat in the car, laptop open on his lap. As his driver drove through the streets, Jinwei attentively listened through his headphones that was connected to his laptop.

The audio decives he had Cheng Qi hide earlier was oddly convenient. Multiple times he had heard Fu Tuying talking to a specific figure about a lot of things. Though the subject of their conversations were rarely business.

He mostly used a flirty tone when speaking  to that specific someone occasionally, so he assumed it was a lady but the subject of their conversations was a bit weird.

Also, his Xue'ers name has been uttered on his lips a few times though the context was lost on him.
His name also appeared in his conversation once and it was laced in hatred which stunned him to the core.

So far the audio had just picked up mundane sounds of Fu Tuying footsteps and shuffling. But then Jinwei heard the phone ring. Raising the volume, he strained to make out the words.

Fu Tuying was talking to someone, but the second voice wasn't coming through.

Xi Jinwei listened closely as an address was exchanged in hushed tones along with a date. Unease settled in Jinwei's stomach. Fu Tuying was always a good friend of his but what was he tangled up in and why was his Xue'er involved?

He did just mention her name again asking 'Was it worth it?'

Was what worth it?

Xi Jinwei was lost in a maze of thoughts as the car pulled up outside his home. Pieces of the conversations that has gone on in the course of his spying on him for a while now swirled in his mind, each small clue raising more questions.

He didn't want to tell Xue'er about it because he was scared of how she might feel. Fu Tuying was her friend too.

But sometimes his thoughts lingered to the fact that maybe he was talking to Xue'er.
He didn't want it to be true that his girlfriend was maybe , perhaps cheating on him with Fu Tuying.

When he first found the dark jacket in her closet the last time, he almost snapped. He thought that she had confirmed his suspicions but then she clarified who it was for and he believed her.


His eyes stared unseeingly at the screen before him, playing and replaying the fuzzy audio on loop as his keen mind worked frantically to make connections.

"Young Master, we have arrived." His driver's voice cut through the mental fog like a knife.

Xi Jinwei blinked, slowly emerging from the trance-like state of deep concentration. He removed the headphones in a daze.

Had she lied to him? Or was Fu Tuying aspiring to harm her. It went two ways.

His heart clenched painfully at both scenarios and he almost couldn't breathe. He groaned in pain while his head felt like it was splitting into two.
What was happening?

Stepping out of the plush car seat onto the driveway seemed to drag him fully back to reality. His eyes, usually so perceptive and sharp, were now clouded with troubled thoughts.

" Are you okay, Young Master?" His driver asked when he saw him sway a bit.

Xi Jinwei absentmindedly nodded barely registering the driver's words. He strode inside in a distracted haze, more determined than ever to solve this puzzling new case.

" Jinwei, you're finally home. How was the dinner with your friends?" His grandmother called out.

" Uh... it was fine. Here, Xue'ers mother gave me this to give to you. Some tea from...somewhere. Can I garden your flowers later please?"

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