Chapter XXVII

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Thanks for reading... again ❤️❤️. Vote and comment on this chapter as well guys. And I hope my pacing of the story is good enough guys.

The next day, Wang Linxue went to school as usual but Xi Jinwei stayed home due to 'injuries' .

She had found herself in his bed last night and was stunned. He was still asleep so she quickly crept out of bed feeling weird her mind rejecting.

When she went to school, she was asked a lot of questions about Xi Jinwei and why he didn't come today without notice by students and teachers alike. He was one of the popular students in the school for his smarts and his looks were a plus.

Honestly, she was really exhausted emotionally and was planning what to do next.
First, her parents tense relationship made her tense and she was starting to wish she was an orphan again. Then she wouldn't have to deal with this.

Secondly,in the novel, the horrible things the original villainess did, Wang Linxue could not hope to replicate.

It went against her moral conscience. She had decided to go full villainess mode and now she was having second thoughts and doubts.

She could not make up her mind and was questioning why she was even brought into the novel in the first place.

Who sent her here? Was she to follow the plot line or carve her own path? What effect would it have and why?Who was she now ?

Ping had already stated in the past that he could not give her all the answers she wanted so basically, she was left with nothing.

School had closed and she had called her driver she would be walking home after school to clear her head a bit.

Ping hadn't said much recently and today he all but quiet but she was too stressed to ask.

As she walked the streets she saw a man sitting on the sidewalk begging for as quietly, asking anyone who passed.

He thanked those who gave him loudly and gave them blessings like, 'May you find happiness this year' or ' You'll find your true love tommorow sir.' to which most people laughed or just brushed off.

' It is illegal to beg on the sidewalks here though, the man could be arrested.' She thought and looked inside her bag for some money.

She didn't carry much on her though but what she had, she walked forward and placed in his hand.

Bending down she handed over the money but was shocked silly by who she saw.

" Here you g... What the? Uncle Lao! You-You w-what are doing here?" She pointed at the old man dropping the money in shock.

" Peace be unto to you child." He closed his eyes to pray.


" Uncle Lao, if you're here then..."

" Yes, you're not crazy girl. In fact, that is why I'm here in the first place. Waiting for you to find me. Follow me. I'll explain on the way." The man packed up his money and got up.

He looked like a very disheveled old man unlike in the bookstore and wore very dirty clothes like beggar.
She followed after him in silence.

He led her to a local temple which also served as a tourist attraction were people prayed, asked for blessings once in a while or just explored the landscape.
There was a priest there who sat in front of the temple greeting those who entered.

They walked around the place quietly , Wang Linxue looking at the old man leading her. She was starting to ask if this was a hoax.

Growing impatient, she asked

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