𝟬𝟮𝟳. 𝗗𝗥𝗢𝗣 𝗜𝗧

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I walk back to Bertha, getting in. "And?" Stiles asks and I shake my head. "He didn't know anything." I shrug and he sighs.

"Shame." He whispers and I nod. We were driving in Bertha, going to the mountains. The good thing was that we were there within the day. It was still light!

But then, we enter a one way road with a bunch of old cars in it. Jorge stops driving and we slowly get out. "Well, I guess we're on foot.

We slowly get between the cars, looking at what the hell happened here. Then, I hear stones rumbling in the distance and I see Jorge heard it too.

Looking at all the ways I could take cover, I get closer to Stiles. The annoying sound of crows make me look up at the mountains, while I see Stiles looking at a gunshot.

All off the sudden I see a bullet flying right past Stiles and he quickly pulls his hand back, diving under the car as I do the same.

"Get down!" Jorge yells and me, Jorge and Stiles end up behind the same car. "Take cover!" Newt yells and when everyone's down, the shots stop. "Hey, is everyone okay out there?" Stiles yells and I listen. "We're fine!" Minho yells and I nod.

"Anyone else wanna know where those bloody shots came from?!" Newt yells and I nod.

"It's not WICKED." I tell Stiles and he nods. "Right arm?" He suggests and I shrug. "Maybe? Or Marcus' guys?" I say and we stay silent.

"That son of a bitch Marcus, he led us into an ambush." Jorge says and I see him grabbing something from his pocket. Stiles slowly looks up, but then another gunshot makes him dive back down.

"They're not tryna hit us." I whisper and look at Stiles. "I bet they're tryna keep us in place." Stiles looks around. "We need a way out then-" he gets interrupted and Jorge frowns. "Here, hold this." He gives it to me and I look at it, a bomb.

"We gotta create a diversion. You get ready to juck it." He says holding something else, making it go active.

"Everybody! Get ready to sprint to the truck. And hold your ears!" Jorge yells and I nod. "Ready? One, two..." I hear a gun cock behind me and I freeze.

"Drop it." A girl behind me says and i internally groan my eyes. "Now!" She yells and I slowly turn around, putting the bomb on the ground.

"I said drop it!" She yells to Jorge. I look at their faces, seeing another girl.

One blonde, one brunette. Fuck i feel like i recognise the brunette. Jorge shuts it out and it stops whirring. "On your feet. Let's go. Let's go move!" She yells and I frown at her frustration, chill out. "Easy, we're not gonna bomb you." I say sarcastic and Stiles pushes me a little, telling me to shut the hell up.

"You two, over here now!" She says and I look back seeing Newt and Minho. We all have our hands in the air while they're just pointing the gun at us. "Don't be stupid, move!" She yells and they get towards us.

"Slowly," she says and we all get together. "Aris?" The blonde girl ordering Aris and Brenda around says and she drops her gun ever so slightly. Making my move, I grab it, push it out of her hands and quickly turn it around before the brunette one can even think of hurting me.

I stand behind the blonde one, looking around me for more shooters in the mountains. "Drop your gun." I yell to the brunette one, pushing the gun into the blonde girl. "They're not gonna hurt us! They're the good guys!" Aris yells and I shake my head.

"How do I know?" I ask and the girl looks at us panicked. "Put out your mask." I say to the brunette girl and she does as she's told.

I frown, thinking. "You're Phoebe." Stiles says and realisation hits me. "Oh my God yes! Your sister is on our Lacrosse team. I remember because she hit me with a ball once and you brought me to the er." I say and Phoebe frowns.

"... Rosalynn?" She asks and I nod, putting the safety back on the gun and lowering it. "Sorry. Force of habit." I say and she smiles. "Sonya," Aris says and Sonya puts off her mask, hugging Aris.

"Aris you're lucky we didn't shoot your dumbass." As if.

"You all right man?" She asks and I frown. "Uhh, What's happening?" Minho asks and I glance at Phoebe. "We were in the maze together." Aris says and I nod. "And she is from our world." I point at phoebe and she nods too.

Phoebe whistles towards mountains and I frown. "We're clear guys come on out!" I look at the bunch of people standing in the mountains. Thank god I stood behind her because I was gonna be shot otherwise.

"My god you're alive." She whispers to aris and I just look at him. Lucky him.

I slowly back up, grabbing the bomb. Just in case.

We walk all the way to the end of the road which leads us to a tunnel. There is a truck in front of it. Even if they weren't there we would've have crawled under the truck to get through.

"Back 'em up Joe!" Sonya yells and the truck drives away. "We're taking them to base." Phoebe tells the men standing there and I look at the two strangers.

"Wait, so how did you guys get here?" I ask and Phoebe looks at me. "The right arm got us out." She says and I frown. "The right arm? Do you know where they are?" Stiles asks and I glance at him.

"Hop in." She says and I smile. We're here.

. . .

We were in two separate trucks, seeing a base camp and not too many people. "They've been planning this over a year now. This is all of us. You guys are lucky you found us when you did. We're moving out at first light." Sonya explains and I nod.

"Where's Vince?" Phoebe asks and a guy replies. "Somewhere over there I think." He says and I frown. "Who's vince?" I ask and Phoebe looks at me.

"He's the one who decides if you get to stay." She says and we keep walking. "I thought the right arm was supposed to be an army." Minho comments and I see a guy walking towards us.

"We were. We lost good people out there. Who are they?" He asks and I keep my guard up. "They're immunes. Caugt 'em coming up the mountain." He asks and Vince doesn't immediately reply.

"Did you check 'em?" He asks and she shakes her head. "I know this guy Aris. I trust him." She says and Vince frowns.

"Well, I don't. Check 'em." At that moment Brenda start breathing heavily. "Hey boss." A man says, and Brenda rolls her eyes back, falling down.

"Brenda! Brenda!" Jorge yells and she just keeps breathing heavily while muttering the words I'm sorry. "What's going on with her?" Vince asks and I frown.

I see Vince slowly pushing her socks down, and I see a big crank bite. "Crank, we got a crank!" He yells, pulling out his gun and clocking it.

"No!" Jorge yells and they all start yelling while Stiles puts himself between the gun and Brenda.

"Listen! Listen! This just happened, she's not dangerous yet!" He yells. "Well you shouldn't have brought her here!" Vince yells and I glance at Jorge, who's being held back by two of their men.

"I know." Stiles admits and Vince points the gun at her again. "We let cranks in here now, the safe heaven doesn't last a week. Step back!" He yells and this time I start talking.

"We understand okay. We wanna get you to this safe heaven as much as you want to. But I told her you could help. I can't live without her. There must be something you can do right?" I say, letting a tear fall.

"Yeah, there is. Putting her out of her misery." He says and I clench my jaw. "And I will with you if you even dare to shoot her." I say quickly and he cocks the gun. "No! No!" Jorge yells and I close my eyes. Shit.

~1411 words~

I'm so excited for my JJ fic you don't wanna know

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