Chapter 11

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Oliver makes me an amazing supper and we talk about a bunch of random things. He always seems so interested in me and asks a million questions. Tonight, most of our conversation stayed around my mother and how she was a strong female warrior. He isn't surprised because he tells me that I've got strong instincts and just need to perfect my technique.

At nine o'clock I leave and drive myself home. When I get to the house it doesn't seem like anyone is home. All the lights are off. I enter the house and throw my bag on the floor of the entry way. Without turning any lights on, I make my way to the fridge and open up the door to get a bottle of water.

I never heard him make a sound, so his voice makes me jump as I hear him say "I can smell him on you" from right behind me. I turn around and dread fills me as I look into Levi's dark eyes. They're glowing from the light from the fridge. I stumble over my thoughts but manage to squeak out "I thought you were out on a mission for your Alpha?"

"I finished, and now I'm back." His eyes boring a hole through my head. "And I can tell that you've been slutting it up" he says with a look that makes me tremble.

I start to shake my head, to try and persuade him that I haven't been doing anything wrong, but he forcefully grabs my jaw and stops me from shaking it. "You really shouldn't lie to me Adelaide, now I'm just going to have to teach you a lesson" he spits out at me. His hand slides down to my throat and he throws me up against the fridge. With his right arm he makes a fist and pounds into my ribs. Crack, there's the first rib. He punches me again. Crack, there's the second rib. He lets go of my throat and I crumple to the ground. My arms grab my chest and I heave for breaths. "Maybe this will make you remember" and he picks up his leg and stomps on my thigh. A burning fire rips through my leg as he breaks my femur. Holy fuck does it hurt and I scream out in pain.

He stares down at me, crying uncontrollably on the ground, and says "you're not strong enough to be a warrior." I know I won't be able to walk, so I don't even bother trying to get myself up off the ground. After a minute of me sobbing on the ground, Levi picks me up and cradles me in his arms. He starts to carry me upstairs, and I look up to him and scream at him "what the fuck did you do that for?"

He looks down at me with something in his eyes, a look I've never seen before – pity maybe, and he says "I'm only trying to protect you."

I scoff at him, "well you've sure got a fucked-up way of doing that." By this point he's made it up to my room and lowers me onto my bed. He immediately turns and leaves slamming the door shut behind. I try to roll over onto my side and shooting pain courses through my entire body. I'm crying uncontrollably, and in my head I scream out the person I want more than anything in the world right now Oliver!

In less than a second a panicked voice stabs back in my head What's wrong babe? The voice takes me by such surprise that I impulsively imagine throwing barriers up like they can protect my brain somehow. Another second later and I can feel a buzzing against my ass. I don't even remember that I threw my phone in my back pocket and I slowly grab it, wincing as pain shoots through me again. I read the name and it's Ollie. I don't know what to do, so I just let it go to voicemail. I try and take a deep breath to figure out what the fuck just happened. It's like he knows I called out for him. But my thought gets interrupted from my phone buzzing again in my hand. His name pops up once more and this time I take another breath before I swipe my thumb across the green button.

"Hello?" I say trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Babe, what's wrong? I heard you call my name." he asks like this makes the most sense in the world.

In disbelief from what he just said, I ask "what do you mean you heard me call your name?"

"You mind-linked me. I heard you call my name, now please tell me what is wrong?" he says his voice laced with worry.

I try to compose myself before lying to him "nothing, I'm fine. Now what do you mean I mind-linked you? I thought that doesn't happen until after we're mated?"

I can hear him sigh through the phone before he replies "the bond must be getting pretty strong. You're right, usually you can't until after the process is complete, but sometimes I've heard of it happening when people are under duress. Now, I don't believe that you are fine, so please tell me what happened?"

I quickly try to formulate a plan in my head, because the last thing I want to do is tell him what Levi just did to me. I come up with one and answer him back "I'm just really frustrated," I say hoping frustration can be confused with duress "I don't understand why you won't let me touch you?" I can tell I've caught him off guard, because I can hear the sharp intake he just took. I continue on "I know Emma blew Sebastian on the first night they met, and you've now given me two mind-numbing orgasms. I just want to please you too." I rush the words out of my mouth, they're not a complete lie after all.

He chuckles into the phone and sounds a little bit relieved "you're really going to compare us to them?" he asks.

"Oliver, please" I plead.

For some reason I've seem to upset him, because he grunts out "Addie, please I've asked you to call me Ollie. Those that are special to me, I prefer them to call me Ollie."

This instantly frustrates me, and I can feel my jealousy rising as I think back to how Rebecca called him that at the party. I spit out "Yeah, like the way Rebecca called you that the other night?"

"Fuck babe," he growls out. "She knows she's not supposed to call me that. She only did that to make you mad."

"Yeah, well it worked." I huff back at him.

His tone changes significantly as he implores "please babe, I'm really sorry. I'm sorry that I know I've hurt you with my past, but I hope you can forgive me. I'll talk to her and make sure that she never does anything like that again or else I'll kick her out of the pack."

His response shocks me and I feel it's a little over-kill for the situation. "It's okay Ollie, you don't have to do that just for me. I do forgive you and I can't use your past against you, when you didn't even know me then."

"Babe, for you I would do anything to make sure you don't get hurt. Even if it's just to stop the jealousy bug from biting" he sighs. "Oh, and thanks for calling me Ollie, you have no idea what it does to me when I hear you say my name."

He really does know how to melt my heart. "Now, you promise that you're ok?" he asks.

"Yes," I lie.

"Ok, goodnight Addie" he says.

"Goodnight Ollie" I reply, and with that I hang up the phone. 

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