Chapter 25

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I'm in my room pacing, waiting for Addie to get back home, she texted me over half an hour ago that she was on her way. It's been a stressful day with my father showing up and all I want to do is hold her in my arms as we fall asleep. Since she's come into my life, I've been having the best sleeps of my life. When I was away, I would lie awake all night tossing and turning from not being near her.

I stop and look out of the window and can see the snow glowing from the lights. I curse myself because I knew I shouldn't have let her drive my car but she just looked so damn cute when she was pouting. That's when the pain hits me. My head instantly starts to throb like it was hit by a jackhammer. In an instant I know somethings not right with Adelaide.

Bash, I need you now! I reach out and mind-link him. Meet me at the jeep ASAP. A low growl escapes from me as I dash down to the garage. Sebastian is already there waiting for me. He doesn't say anything, but he has a concerned look on his face not understanding what's going on. "Somethings wrong with Adelaide" I growl at him. "I felt it through the bond, she's hurt."

He nods his head and jumps into the jeep. We race out of the pack territory and head towards town. We're only a few miles outside of the territory when I see a large dark object in the ditch. As we get closer, I realize that it's a car and it is upside down. But it's not just any car, it's my car.

I pull the jeep to an abrupt stop and run over to the car, dread filling up inside of me. I rip open the door and see Adelaide hanging upside down still seat buckled into the seat. She has a huge gash across her head and blood dripping everywhere. My hands instantly check her neck for a pulse and I can feel one faintly there. Before I can say anything, Bash opens the door from the other side and starts to crawl through the passenger side.

"Quick, help me support her before you undo the seat belt" I shout at him as my mind feels like it starts to slow everything down. My arms are holding on to her neck and back as Bash grabs her legs before he unbuckles her. She feels weightless as we slowly bring her out of the crumpled heap of steel that used to be my car. Once we get her out of the car, I cradle her full body against my chest and carry her bridal style over to the jeep. Bash runs in front of me and opens the passenger door as I climb inside with Addie. He then shuts the door and runs around into the driver seat. He starts the jeep and then turns it back around and guns it back to the pack.

I stare down at Addie as my heart feels like its crushing in on itself. My mind starts flying through a million different scenarios of what would have happened if I would have lost her. My thoughts are interrupted when Bash says "she's going to be alright Oliver. I've already told the Doctor to be ready and that we'll be there with Adelaide in a minute." I look over at him a little surprised that I didn't even think of mind-linking the Doctor "thanks" I mutter to him, turning my attention back to my mate.

It doesn't take Bash long to drive us to the pack Doctor and he jumps out and runs around to open the door for me. I carefully climb out of the Jeep still clutching Addie to my chest. The Doctor comes running out to meet us and tells us to follow him. Once we get inside the clinic and into a private room, I lay Addie down on the bed and the Doctor quickly comes over and starts to assess her.

"What happened Alpha?" he asks without looking up at me.

"She was in a car accident. The car was in the ditch upside down and she was hanging there still buckled in" I respond void of emotion. I stay beside her, clutching her hand in mine.

"Did she hit something? Was there anyone else at the accident?" the Doctor asks, but the question doesn't register in my brain.

"No, there was no one around" I hear Bash answer. "She must have lost control of the vehicle because of the snow" he continues to say.

The Doctor looks up at Bash and nods his head before turning his attention back to Adelaide. He cleans her head and continues to check the rest of her body for any other injuries. After what feels like is forever, he finally looks up at me and lets out a slight sigh "she's going to be ok Alpha. She has a concussion, probably from the impact of the car flipping over, but she is already starting to heal up. You can take her home, but I suggest you stay close to her. Your presence near her and the bond will help to heal her more quickly."

I nod at him and then thank him. I gently pick her up off the bed and carry her up to our room. Once we get inside the room, I lay her on the bed and carefully start to take her bloody clothes off. I walk over to the dresser and pull out one of my t-shirts and put it on her. I then climb into bed and position her in my arms with her head on my chest. It doesn't take long and I fall asleep.  

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