Chapter 20

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It wasn't my best decision to shift at school as now my clothes were all shreds and I have no spare clothes. I take a few more minutes trying to calm myself down after Levi leaves. I think about how he said he would never hurt Emma, because she's his mate. I can't believe him though. I'm his sister, and he's never had a problem with hurting me, and I have no fucking idea what I ever did to him.

Ugh, this heat is killing me and all I want to do is go crawl into our bed and be surrounded by Ollie's scent. I decide to mind link him that I'm going home. Hey Ollie.

I wait for a minute before I get a response back in my head, Hey babe, what's up? He asks me.

Umm, I'm exhausted from this heat. I'm gonna go home, I'll see you after school, ok?

Do you want me to drive you there? He asks.

No, I'm going to run in my wolf form. The fresh air will be good for me. I say to him.

Ok, are you sure? I can hear the concern in his voice.

Yes, I'll be fine. I tell him and cut off the mind-link not waiting for any response.

It takes me about thirty minutes to run to the pack house. Although it feels good to push my wolf, the heat really is exhausting. By the time I get up to our room, I don't have the energy to even take a shower. I pull on some skimpy boy shorts and tank top and I collapse on the bed and pass out.


Loud footsteps coming up the stairs wakes me from my sleep, and I sit up as the door flies open. Ollie is standing in the doorway with concern written all over his face. I shrink back into the bed feeling bad that I caused that. He makes his way over to the bed and sits down on the edge "Are you ok, Addie?" he asks.

I nod my head up and down and answer him "Ya, I was just exhausted from the heat." Well, it wasn't a complete lie.

He furrows his eyebrows at me "I told you, you should have let me bring you back home this morning. Did any other guys try anything?" he asks.

The question surprises me a little and I quickly reply "No." Before I can stop my mouth, I blurt out "You know, if you would have just marked me after we had sex I wouldn't be going through heat anymore!"

"Adelaide!" he growls at my outburst.

The words Levi said about just being a fuck toy come flooding into my brain, and I can't help the anger that starts to rise in my chest. I know it's not Oliver I should be mad at, but I don't understand why he hasn't marked me yet and I snap at him "or am I just another fuck toy for you?"

"What the fuck are you talking about Adelaide?" he shouts at me as he gets up off the bed and starts to pace around the room. "Of course, you're not! Why the fuck would you even ask something like that?" He turns around and stares at me.

"Then why didn't you mark me?" I shout back at him. The heat is starting to come back and I can feel my body getting warmer.

He takes a deep breath and sighs "because you weren't ready for me to mark you."

I know he tries to say it like he's got my best interest in mind, but it just makes me angrier. "And how the fuck do you know? That's all you've said, this whole time. No Addie, you can't blow me, you're not ready. No Addie, we can't have sex, you're not ready. No Addie, I won't mark you, you're not ready." I spit at him. I know it's childish the way I'm acting but I can't help it.

"Addie, you need to calm the fuck down!" he growls at me.

"I can't!" I scream at him. "Don't you fucking get it? If you'd just mark me I'd be done with this shit!" I say to him as angry, hurt tears start to fall down my face.

"Fine!" he howls and stomps over to the bed. He picks me up out of the bed and pins me against the wall. He pushes himself into me hard and I can feel his crotch rubbing against mine. I wrap my legs around his waist and look up to see his canines break through. I tilt my head to the side to give him easy access to my neck.

Never meeting my eyes, he bends his head down and sinks his teeth into my neck. HOLY FUCK does it hurt! I scream in pain as he continues to bite me. I can't take the pain anymore, so I try to push him off. It takes a minute for him to register me struggling against him and he pulls his teeth out. He eases his grip on me and I push him away from me.

"Adelaide, I'm sorry" he says to me with a pained expression.

I know I have no right to be mad at him, since I asked for this. But I can't help how hurt I am, both physically and emotionally. I run past him and he tries to grab my arm but I shake it off. "Don't, please. I just need to be alone" I say as I run out of our room.

I make my way out of the pack house and head for the forest. As soon as I'm in the tree coverage I shift into my wolf form and run again. I can't believe how fucking much it hurt to get marked. Why didn't anyone tell me that!

I have no idea how long I run for, but I eventually end up in the clearing beside the river that Ollie first brought me to. I take a drink from the water and then collapse on the ground and pass out again. 

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