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Tim did not even pause to change out of his suit as he rushed to Olivia's place, not caring even that a landmine could blow him up on one wrong step.

Reaching the door, he frantically rang the bell and removed his cowl so that his iris could be scanned and he would be let in. Olivia had him saved in the safe visitor list so Vanya would let him in after scanning his iris even if Olivia wasn't around.

"Welcome Tim," Vanya's voice greeted him as the door opened and he rushed inside, calling out for Olivia.

"Liv! Olivia! I'm here. Where are you?" He called but then spotted something dark on the kitchen floor and rushed in there.

Much to his horror, he found Olivia sprawled on the floor, her phone fallen beside her and she seemed quite lifeless. Her eyes were shut and her skin was deathly cold as he lifted her head in his lap, trying to get her to wake up.

His comm beeped and shortly after, Barbara's voice reached him, "Tim, where are you? Is everything alright?"

"No..." He replied, splashing water from a glass onto her face to wake her up but she didn't even stir, "Olivia called me and she didn't sound well so I came here to her house and... And... I think I need to get her to the hospital..."

"I am sending Steph and Jason," Barbara realized the situation must be serious, "don't cut the connection, stay on the line with me. Tell me what's the situation currently."

"I found her unconscious on the kitchen floor. I am doing all I can to wake her up but it's not working," Tim too was panicking but knew he had to keep himself calm enough to be able to help her, "what do I do now?"

"Check her pulse," Barbara told him, "and her breathing. Is it normal?"

He did as he was told, "no... Her pulse and breathing are both very slow."

"Is she cold?"


"Is there any sign of physical injury?" She asked, "something must have happened to her for her to faint. Check if she hit her head or if there's anywhere she's hurt."

He checked but did not find any signs of injury, "she's not hurt physically..."

"Okay, the damage must be internal then," Barbara's brain was working fast knowing that every second mattered in such situations, "she's not bleeding from her nose or ears either, right? If she is then it can be a hemorrhage."

"No..." He checked, "but she's not waking up..."

"Just take her to the hospital then, Steph and Jay are waiting for you with the Batcopter outside. Hurry."

He lifted her up in his arms carefully and stood up. 

"Vanya, Olivia is not well so I am taking her to the hospital," he spoke, hoping the software will be able to register his voice and do as he told because time was running out, "please lock the door and secure the house soon as we leave."


He carried her out of her house and shortly after the bio-dome vanished from sight and the security systems began to reactivate. He crossed the area with the landmines as fast as he could, reaching the Batcopter at last.

Jason helped in hauling them in and Steph quickly supported Olivia's limp figure.

"What happened to her?" She asked, quite worried to see her friend so lifeless.

"Something terrible," Tim replied, fixing the cowl back on his face, "we need to get her to the hospital right now."


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