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Olivia knew she had to save herself and get out of Gemma's captivity. So as Gemma had woken her up and given her breakfast, she didn't refuse it, her mind working on the track that she needed her strength to get out of there alive.

"How do I know it's not poisoned?" She spoke up as Gemma placed the tray in front of her.

"I won't poison you. There's still one thing you have to do for me," she cut a bite out of the sandwich and ate it just to prove that it was safe. "See, no poison, at least not yet. If you be a good girl and do exactly as I say, I won't ever find the need to poison you."

"Won't you untie my hands so I can eat?"

Begrudgingly, Gemma untied her hands but also gave her a warning, "keep in mind, Livvie, that I'll kill you if you try to escape."

"I know."

She picked up the sandwich and began to eat, her eyes still warily focused on Gemma.

"You're being surprisingly very compliant today," the woman remarked, "I can't help but think something is wrong."

She didn't reply and focused on the food instead, feeling as if she had been starving for days.

"But if you've finally accepted your fate and decided to not make things harder for yourself then that's actually very smart of you," she resumed, "I don't want to keep threatening you either, darling, it gets exhausting after a while. All I need is for you to do one tiny little task for me and then maybe I'll consider it and let you go."

Olivia knew she was lying. As long as the clone was with the Waynes, she would never let her go. But she decided to play along just to find out what she was up to.

"What do you want?"

"You remember the killings that had been going on in Gotham?" She spoke up breezily, "I was behind them. And you had helped me out a lot too because I could still take control of you through your memory chips. But recently I noticed a very strange thing happening to you, my dear... Your memory chips no longer work; it's as if your brain is finally strong enough to fight back. No order I send through your chips gets followed."

Olivia paused, realizing a possible cause of her headaches as well as those days she had been feeling she was sleepwalking.

"It was so easy earlier to get you to do my bidding then delete your memory of it but I couldn't do that after a while and so I had to stop using you," she elaborated, "it was then I completed your clone which your father started. Now he may love you very much but he had his weaknesses and I knew each one I could exploit to get him to help me in making that clone. He thought I'd leave you alone if I had someone like you to do my dirty work. He didn't realize that I'll use it and replace you instead."

Hearing about her father always made her sorrowful and tears started to well up in her eyes again.

"So now here we are back to square one; you and me, Livvie, like we used to be. If you want to get free of me, you will help me and follow what I tell you to do. Otherwise I'll just have to kill you."

"How many people did you use me to kill?"

"That's none of your business, darling, you don't remember so you didn't kill them," she brushed off that question, "what matters now is the person I want you to target. Just the last one and then you'll no longer have to worry about me. I'll be gone from your life, I promise."

Olivia still felt there was a catch somewhere in her offer. She would be gone from her life could be interpreted in two ways.

And she knew Gemma wasn't stupid enough to simply let Olivia go free after everything she had done to her and told her. She would never do that because if Olivia testified against her in court, she would be sentenced again.

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