Chapter 5

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The crown prince, locked into his room with no outside light or contact, couldn't tell how many hours or days had passed. All he knew was that the Jurchens were getting farther and farther away from him, and his chest tightened at the thought. He wondered if Lee Ara would visit the villages again soon and play with the young Sung Ho. Would she think of him when walking by that fish storage again? Or would she forget about him as quickly as he had crashed into her life?

Eunuch Dal made a small hole in the door screen, just big enough to pass a ball of rice. "Your highness, are you doing all right?" The servant sounded worried.

"How long has it been?" the crown prince asked.

"Three days. Tomorrow you will finally be able to have a real meal," the servant responded softly. The Jurchens were probably close to the border by now, Yi Jin thought.

Officer Yang had been busy secretly sabotaging any attempts to follow the Jurchens to the border. He had heard the stories about Lee Gong, his military exploits and his ruthlessness, but he couldn't help but notice the stark differences between the two fathers when their children were in danger. One had entered hostile territory to rescue his daughter after caring for his enemy's son, while the other had hurt and locked up his own son, depriving him of even food. Officer Yang's blood was boiling in his veins. Though he had first been overjoyed to see the crown prince back alive, he now wished that he had stayed hidden and safe among the Jurchens. The prince had decided to return and assume the responsibility of the throne, even in the face of his own despair.

Officer Yang, lost in his thoughts and distracted by his mission, had not noticed until now secret preparations being undertaken by the minister of war. "What is this?" he asked a soldier as a large cargo of weapons left the training grounds' storage rooms.

"You don't know? The king has ordered the northern division to prepare."

"Prepare? What for?" the officer asked, confused.

"I'm not sure. I think it has to do with the Jurchens kidnapping the crown prince," the guard responded before walking away.

Officer Yang ran as fast as he could to Yi Jin's quarters, which were still heavily guarded.

"Your highness," he whispered, out of breath, through the closed doors."The king is preparing the northern division for an attack." There was some commotion on the other side of the screen doors.

"Wha...what?" The prince stammered, before adding, "Eunuch Dal, please request an audience with my father." "

Yes, your highness." The old man hurried to the king's quarters.

"Why is he doing this?" the prince thought aloud.

"Your highness, I believe you have given the king an excuse to take his revenge on Lee Gong," Officer Yang answered solemnly.

Eunuch Dal came back shortly after and said apologetically, "I am sorry, your highness. The king has declined to see you."

The crown prince suddenly felt the weight of the four walls he had been imprisoned in pressing upon him. He seized his desk and threw it against the wall. He had to get out of here, no matter what.

"Your highness!" Officer Yang called, worried. He unlocked the doors, disregarding Eunuch Dal's attempts to dissuade him. The crown prince was sitting on the floor, digging his nails into his chest, and was breathing raggedly. "Your highness." Officer Yang kneeled beside him. "Just breathe."

Yi Jin paused, took a short breath and asked, "When are they going to attack?"

Officer Yang looked down, ashamed that he had just now found out about this. "A cargo of weapons left today, so probably in just a week from now."

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