Chapter 14

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Eun Yang observed from afar as Lee Ara shot arrows at the training grounds and missed the target almost every time -a sight he never thought he would witness. He watched as she stretched her fingers, her hands trembling slightly. He sighed and walked over to the royal infirmary to ask the physician about the long-term effects of the poison.

"Muscle spasms and atrophy," the doctor responded, but seeing the distraught look on the face of the royal guard, quickly added: "Officer Lee is young and strong, with time she will recover."

Lee Ara was frustrated. How could she return to the Jurchens so incapacitated? It would be humiliating, and she would become a burden. She sighed, her heart heavy with doubt. Life had seemed easier when her sole goal had been to kill Park No Li. "Lee Gong," she thought out loud, "is this really where I am supposed to be?"

Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't noticed the man approaching and was startled when red sleeves encircled her from behind. She remained still and silent as the king held her tight against him, before sliding his hands over her own and arching the bow that Lee Ara still held. Yi Jin stabilized her trembling hands, and the arrow that they shot together hit the target bull's-eye. The king let go of his grip, and Lee Ara turned to face him.

"When I was hurt and weakened, you protected me and made me stronger. Please let me do the same for you," he said, looking deeply into her eyes.

You are my weakness, Lee Ara thought, before taking a step forward and kissing him. Eunuch Dal and the king's court ladies pretended to look away as Yi Jin returned the foreigner's embrace with passion, in plain sight.

"Let's take the queen out of the palace tonight," Lee Ara said after pulling away from the king, who was confused by this suggestion.

"Why would we do that?"

"Her father was just sent away into exile. She could probably use the distraction."

The queen stared at the wall, alone in her bedchamber. She was now the daughter of a criminal. How could she ever face the king again? How could she remain in her seat as the mother of the nation, one so childless and tainted? She wiped a tear from her cheek as her court lady announced that Officer Lee was here to see her.

Lee Ara felt guilty to see the innocent queen's red and swollen eyes. Did she resent her? No, her highness' heart was too pure for such feelings, Lee Ara thought.

"Put this on when everyone is asleep tonight, and meet me at the palace gates." The Jurchen woman put a royal officer's uniform on the queen's table and took her leave before she could ask any questions.

Intrigued, the queen waited for the palace to fall silent before putting on the uniform. Then she tiptoed outside her quarters, to find that the court ladies who were supposedly keeping watch were happily snoring against a wall. She kept her head down as she passed royal guards patrolling the palace and met Lee Ara by the gates.

"Where are we going?" she asked, curious. The Jurchen woman smiled but did not respond and led the queen through the empty streets in silence. The king's wife suddenly stopped and watched as the foreigner stepped through an infamous set of doors.

"Officer Lee, I cannot go there! What if his majesty learns about this?" The queen was horrified that Lee Ara had dared to bring her to a gisaeng house.

"Do not worry, trust me," the foreigner responded, chuckling, before disappearing inside the courtyard. The queen looked around: the streets were dark and empty, and she didn't even know the way back to the palace. She sighed loudly and followed the Jurchen woman. Lee Ara led her to the back of the house through the courtyard, away from the main area of activity.

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