Chapter - 9

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"Seriously! I literally did just 17 short questions of calculus- basic calculus to be precise," I cried on my phone to Christina.

"Seriously, are stressing over nothing,"

"Over nothing? Will you say this when I tell you that I have done these 17 questions in 3 and a half hours?"

"Oh, that's...that's so not your brain!" She exclaimed in a shocked voice.

"Right! I've no idea what I'm doing," I said as I kicked the bottom of my desk with a lot of force in anger and got my nail broken, "Aaaa!"

"What happened? You didn't punch the wall again, did you?" Christina yelled.

"No," I replied as I crawled on my legs and rested on the bed.

"Someone else punched you? Is it Amelia? Wait, I'm coming," Christina said hastily.

"Christi, are you serious? Why would she punch me? Why would she be here in the first place?" I laughed.

"She's an evil person, she can be anywhere- moreover, I've got no faith in you, the day she comes and apologizes to you again- you'll be back to being her best friend, no matter how toxic she had been as a friend and how much she humiliated you," Christina lectured.

"You really think that I'll cheat on my friendship with you for a childhood best friend?"

"You said it yourself," she said in an annoyed tone.

"What did I say? Oh, I meant- even if we had been childhood besties, she's still not a best friend to me anymore, she's not even a friend."

"That never meant that she can't be your friend again in future."

"Why are you suddenly bringing her up, Christi?"

"You can't lie to me forever, right?"

Oh no.

I was just talking to her. I mean I still respect the friendship that Amelia and I had since childhood. So, I played Truth or Dare with her and her new group of friends. Well, now- they've been her friends for a long time. So it's no more a new group for her. She has become one of them.

Or was she always one of them. Those annoying kids.

"Why did you help her?"

"How do you know?"

"Do you know?" She said angrily.


"You know that she told Covyn that you like him, and that you like him like crazy!"

"Like what?" I screamed in utter shock.

"Like yes!"

"It's your fault, Christina! Now, what will I do.." I said as the rainfall in my eyes began.

"How is that supposed to be my fault?"

"Why are you telling this to me now?"

"I literally just got to know this right now!"

"How come?"

"Covyn just texted me on insta and said, 'Your best friend is such a creep, are girls supposed to be so vocal about their crush?' and a *laughing emoji* "

"What? Why?" I said as I didn't care that I could aggravate the little acne by rubbing the tears on my face with my hands again and again.

I should do the ten-step beauty routine. This acne is increasing day by day.

Oh, that's not the issue right now anyways.

Why do I tend to avert front the main issue every time?

"You should never trust that girl and I've told this to you like a million times and you are never listening!"

"Seriously when was I vocal about my crush?" I continued crying.

"Exactly! You now like Felis. how could they speak of your ex-crush as your current crush when they know nothing about your life!" Christina stated.

Was she being serious?

Honestly, her tone seemed so genuine and honest.

But I actually forgot entirely about Covyn ever since I met Felis.

Trust me, I haven't thought about Covyn for the past two days. Even his name didn't cross my mind. I didn't look around for him during the class.

So, is it possible that I actually like Felis?

But more important than that, I have to face Covyn tomorrow!

Ahh... Amelia and Covyn although two different people but they both have made fun of my emotions and at end made me anxious.

WHAT ON EARTH DO THEY THINK OF THEMSELVES? Who gave them the right to play with my stupidity like that!

They'll first gain your trust and make you used to their attention and then just when you are so used to them they'll leave you midway, start ignoring you. Amelia was my best friend and Covyn was my crush yet their tactics in friendship and crushship(this probably ain't a term but anyays) are too similar.


But despite all of this I end up trusting Amelia EVERY.SINGLE.TIME!

Tomorrow holds another challenge for me, all thanks to Amelia and Covyn!

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