Chapter 6

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It has been five peaceful weeks now since when they last visited Ibrahim Muhsins' mansion. Waleeda continue her life normally with her going to Skyline University that she'll soon graduate from.

Waleeda never message or call Kamil , she'll prefer if for him to call her first which is something she's not sure will happen anytime soon .

Waleeda is in the medium sized living room of her parents home , sitting on her usual brown  armchair and  favorite couch  of the house , her father and mother are  sitting together on the other couch  , she could tell from the way they're laughing that they're enjoying whatever they're talking about .

"Yes and they were very nice to us as usual but your daughter didn't even eat a thing at least to show them respect " Abubakar  said to his wife who's interestingly listening to his talks .

"But I showed them respect and ate " Abubakar added . Waleeda heard what her father just said .

She could only sigh and  rolled her eyes which she was sure her father didn't see .           
'How can someone eat to show respect?! Just say that you ate and enjoyed their food' Waleeda thought inwardly , even if it can be done then she doesn't know how to do that , eat to show respect.

The two continued to talk while Waleeda just acted as if she wasn't hearing their conversation but she's actually keeping one ear on what they're saying and the other ear on the sound coming out from the sole television in the house.

Abubakar saw his phone ringing so he excused himself like he usually does when he received a call. Even Waleeda doesn't know why her father never answer his phone call infront of people. This habit of Abubakar almost caused a fight between him and Munira.

Waleeda could still remember the day her mother claims that Abubakar is talking to another woman he loves through his phone and that's why he never answers the call infront of his own wife.

Waleeda didn't blame her mother, she feels like her mother is just scared of loosing her husband to another woman who's not his wife.
If she was in her mother's shoe, she would have done the same because how can anyone afford to loose a nice looking man like Abubakar who never seems to age.

But the misunderstanding got cleared up in a few days after Abubakar walked up to his wife and explained things to her bit by bit  .
Munira wasn't completely convinced but she still told her husband that 'she understand and it's okay '.

Abubakar came back some minutes later with a wide smile on his face signifying a good news.
His good news is always a bad news to Waleeda so she still kept a frown on her face knowing that it's gong to be a bad news for her .

"Guess what ? " Abubakar asked, he didn't really specify meaning that he is taking to both of them so they both asked "what ?"  at the same time.

"White or red ? " He asked again as he grinned even more .

"White " Munira replied full of curiosity.
"It's probably black " Waleeda mumbled . Abubakar heard what his daughter just said but for the first time in history he ignored her statement.

He walked back and sat down where he was sitting earlier before saying "kamil is back .... "

"So they asked if we can come tomorrow to introduce him to Waleeda " Abubakar said to his family who are listening interestingly .

"And what was your reply Baba ?" Waleeda asked hoping that he has declined their request but she should have known her father better.  

"Of course I said 'yes'." he replied his daughter's question and chuckled at the end of his sentence.

"When are you people going back there ? " Munira asked curiously.

She would have join them but she couldn't because someone has to stay to maintain the house as they have no gateman .

Moreover, Munira can't stay in a car for more than thirty minutes without vomiting so due to that she avoid traveling as much as possible.

"I told them that we will come today but they said kamil just returned and he is resting for today but we can go tomorrow." Abubakar replied his wife calmly like he always does.

Abubakar left the house some few minutes later to work. He works as a person assistant for Muhsin's company, Muhsin helped his best friend and gave him a job three years ago when Abubakar was in need of one. That's one of the many reason why Abubakar respects Muhsin.

The day continued normally and ended with Waleeda drifting to sleep in the parlor, her mother woke her up and directed the half- awake, half - asleep Waleeda to her room before going back to her own room.



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