Jasmine 8

19 4 0

When we finally made it to the ball we were so excited we couldn't even hold it in. We tried perfecting ourselves while in the car. We then heard a small knock on our window thankfully there heavily tinted because we didn't have our mask on yet. We hurried and tied our mask on and then ask the driver to roll down the window. We then saw a man in a black and white suit and a black mask. "Are you ladies ready" he said holding his hand out "indeed we are" I replied back trying to sound fancy.

The man then opened the door and held his hand out for me. I gently placed my red gloved hand in his and stepped out the limo. Another man came from behind us and took Brooklyn hands. As are arms were interlocked with the mysterious men they lead us to the top of these spiral stairs.

"What's your name" he whispered to me "I am angelic and the young lady over there" I said suggesting to Brooklyn "she is Cecilia."

"May I have y'all attention" the man's voice projected over everyone "Introducing Angelic and Cecilia." Brooklyn and I curtsied and then made our way down the spiral stairs and did a "princess wave" down.

When we got down the the steps I got close to Brooklyn and whispered in her ear. "I have my eyes on the target" Brooklyn did a fake smile but looked kinda disappointed. I sighed and said "but we have all night let's have fun." Her face then lightens up and kissed me on the cheek and said "imma find me a man you should go do the same" and she then ran off into the crowd.

After standing by the food stand for a little while and secretly trying out the different foods. This taller girl made her way towards me she had on a black and blood red suit and a black masked that covers her whole face. You could tell it was the girl by her chest print against her suit. She walked up and grabbed an oyster off the tray "I wouldn't eat those, they taste like shit" I said that not realizing where I'm at.

She came over and looked down and kinda tilting her head like an confused puppy I could hardly see her face as her masked cover it all. "Are you talking to me"  she said her voice was so dead but gentle I couldn't help but filling weak in the knees. "I'm sorry we're are my manners" I said trying not to forget my role I curtsied towards her and she bow towards me.

"These are for one of my workers don't need a man hungry on the job I don't like oyster myself." She said still making the plate for her worker. I did a soft smile and tried to excuse myself but she stopped me "meet me back here for the 5th dance I would love to get to know you more" she said still gently tone of voice. "I would- I would love that" I said trying to not stubble on my words because of her voice.

*skipping to the end of the 4th dance*

I head towards the food stand to see the mysterious girl standing there once again. I head over to her and look up at her basically breaking my damn spine. "Would you like to dance" she said holding her hand out I placed my lace gloved hand into hers and let her lead the way.

She dragged me out to the dance floor she gently place one hand on my waist and she held my other hand while my free hand was on her shoulder. I felt my body sinking by her touch. "What's you name" she said "you can call me angelic" I said she stared at me intensely as her grip go tighter on me.

"Why are you here" she said I didn't say anything at first in confusion "what do mean why am I here" I said chuckling at the silly question she did not smile but her grip got tighter around me pushing me close to her "listen here shorty I will find out who you are" I tried playing it off "I'm not that short I'm 5'5" "okay and I'm 6'2" I then realized she was seriously on to me but I couldn't cause a scene or that would ruin my mission.

I yanked myself away from her and tried to quickly walk away. Her long arms reached out and grabbed my hand a spun me back toward her. She grabbed my arms with both her hand and held me tight almost digging the tips of her fingers into me. She bent down in my ear she whispered
"don't try me sakura." and I knew from that moment she knew who I was and I knew who she was... Asia Suzuki.

A/N hiii I'm finally introducing the other main character  the next chapter will be her pov and it will be a switch back and forth thank you 30+ reads <33

~Kills and cuffs~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora