(27) The Guardian Angel

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His snarl was so harsh and sudden that it made me jump. His normally brilliant green eyes were shot with gold and red streaks; they beautiful but the hatred and bloodlust behind them made my blood run cold. He bared his fangs at me. “That damn bastard. I’ll kill him.”

Colt pressed himself away from me and stomped over to the door. Fear that Colt was going to do something rash burned a whole through my frozen state. I shot up off of the bed and chased after him. “Colt wait!”

He grabbed a hold of the handle and jerked the door open. He was just about to rush out of the room when I threw my arms around his back. His muscles were tense and so heated with anger that I felt as if I was holding onto hot steel instead of my mate. I wrapped my arms around his back as much as I could but his chest was so broad that my fingertips didn’t even touch.

“Colt please just calm down for a second so we can talk about this-

“Talk?” His chest vibrated against my hands as he growled. “There is nothing to talk about. I’m killing that bastard and that’s final.”

I felt his large hands grab ahold of my tiny wrist before he pried them from his body. “Colt no! I won’t let you do this.”

He tossed my arms to the side and marched onward without any hesitation but I wasn’t about to let him get away that easily. With a growl I ran after my mate and instead of pleading for him to stop I jumped up onto his back. My arms wrapped themselves around his neck while my legs hooked around his lean waist.

Colt let out a frustrated roar as he tried to unlock my arms and legs but since I had then so tightly wrapped around him it wasn’t easy. His fingers clawed into my wrist and ankles trying desperately to pried them off of himself but no matter how hard he dig his nails into my skin I wasn’t going to let him go. Colt’s growing claws sliced into parts of my exposed skin and I could feel the sting of each tare. Fresh warm blood dripped down from the back of my hand as he became more frantic to get me off of him.

“Colt please don’t do this.” I cried into the back of his neck.

“Why are you trying to stop me? He hurt you, tried to kill you, and almost killed Jackie. Why are you protecting him?” He roared before taking another slice out of my ankles.

I bit back the yelp of pain and pressed my face into the back of his head. “I’m not protecting him, I’m protecting you!”

His roars became even louder at my reasoning. “Protecting me? Stop bullshitting with me and get the hell off!”

“No!” I cried even harder and tightened my grip around him. “I won’t let you go. I won’t let you be overcome by this rash decision Colt! Damn it I don’t want to lose you!”

I felt hot tears streaking down the sides of my face as I buried my face into the side of his neck. My chest was heaving with sobs as I repeated the same thing over and over again until I didn’t even realized that I was doing it. His grip loosened from around my wrist and his arms fell limp to his side. When I noticed that he wasn’t trying to pry me off of him anymore I held on even tighter thinking that it was some kind of trick.

“Allie, it’s okay to let go now.” He spoke softly.

I shook my head against the side of his neck. “No.”

“Allison.” He spoke in the sweetest tone as he lifted up a hand and gently touched the side of my hand. “I’m not going after Kirk….for now at least.”

I lifted my head up out of the back of his neck and looked down at the side of his scarred face. “Are you lying?”

He let out a dry laugh. “No sweetheart I’m not lying to you.”

I felt my heart beat faster against my chest at his endearment. Colt never called me anything other than Allie or Allison on extremely rare occasions. I nuzzled my head back down and rubbed my nose against the side of his face. “Really?”

“You were right.” He let out a sigh before turning his head and looking over at me. “If I go after Kirk now, with my emotions all over the place, then there is a chance that I’ll do something reckless and get myself killed. For right now Allie I’ll stay…I’ll stay here with you.”

I felt fresh tears collect in my eyes as I stared down at my mate. “Thank you.”

His thumb pressed against the side of my damp hand and as soon as his finger touched the blood he froze. His eyes grew wide as he stared down at my red hands and ankles. I could tell by his horrified expression that he hadn’t realized that he had done it. His strong jaw was clenched in anger but his eyes showed regret and pain.

“Did I…” He but must have thought better of it and simply clamped his mouth shut.

“Colt.” I spoke softly. “It’s fine-

“I hurt you.” He curtly yelled.

My grip loosened from around his neck. “It’ll heal Colt. I know you didn’t mean to do it on purpose but it’ll heal. I’m a werewolf and your mate after all, a little scratch here and there is nothing to fuss about.”

“But I-

“Shh.” I hushed and pressed my face closer to his. “I’m alright Colt, I’m really okay.”

He let out a sigh before turning his head towards me. His marvelous green eyes held mine in a trance for the longest of moments while he debated on whether or not I was telling the truth. When he leaned his head closer to mine and pressed his lips against my cheek I knew that I had won.

“Alright,” He spoke in a defeated yet warming tone. “but you’ve at least got to let me patch you up.”

I smiled down at my caring mate and held him a tad bit closer. “Sure thing.”

After he gave me a nod I loosened my grip around him and was about to drop my feet down on the ground but Colt surprised me by reaching behind and grabbing ahold of me. I let out a surprised yelp as he tugged me around with my legs and arms still locked around him. He smiled down at me straddling him and then slapped his hands on my ass, raising me up higher.

“Much better.” He smirked devilishly before leaning up and capturing my mouth in a steamy kiss. I would have laughed at his sudden playfulness if I hadn’t been so taken over by his hot and demanding mouth.

As soon as I began to kiss him back just as feverishly as he was he pulled away from me with a wolfish grin on his face. “If you keep kissing me like that then I might forget that you’re wounded.”

I sneered down at my mate. “Well you started it.”

Colt rolled his eyes playfully as he started walking us to the bathroom, “Oh please, you were the one you tangled yourself around me.”

“Your right.” I laughed and then leaned down and pressed my lips against his forehead. “but if you weren’t this damn hot then we wouldn’t be having this problem.”

Our conversation continued like this while he cleaned and wrapped my wounds. In reality they really weren’t that bad now. The cut had already stopped bleeding and were on their way to closing up but still Colt insisted on it. After I was done being bandaged up Colt helped me up off of the bathroom sink. As soon as my feet touched the ground there was a bang on the door.

I looked behind Colt with a frown. “Were we expecting anyone?”

He glared at the door. “No.”

He turned and walked out of the bathroom but made a gesture to me telling me to stay there. Hopefully it was just a pack member coming over to say hi or something but with the way that things had been going these days I doubted that it was.

The tension in the room made the click of the door handle as it was pushed down sound like a gunshot. My lips peeled back into a snarl as my animal instinct took over. The door burst open so suddenly that it had me and Colt growling in reaction.

“Whoa!” Linc raised his hands up as his eyes traveled back and forth between the two of us. “If I didn’t know any better I would think that you guys hated me or something.”

The tension in my shoulders relaxed and slowly my animal instinct went back into hibernation. “God Linc,” Colt cursed dragging his rough hand through his hair. “What the hell were you thinking bursting through the door like that?”

Linc slowly lowered his hands back to his side and gave a very nonchalant shrug. “I like a big entrance…Hey if I would have known that you were going to bite my head off for doing it then I would have chosen a more settle approach.”

Linc’s attention drifted away from Colt and when his eyes found mine a smile warmed his lips. “I know something you don’t know.”

I rolled my eyes at Linc before crossing my arms over my chest. “What’s that?”

He shook his head playfully as he walked into the apartment. “I can’t tell you baby, because then it wouldn’t be any fun.”

“Linc,” Colt warned as he shut the door behind his friend. “Don’t play games with my mate.”

Linc looked over at Colt with a pout. “But I really can’t tell her. It’s a God thing you wouldn’t understand.” He then looked over at me and smiled knowingly. “But listen if I were you I’d start brushing up on tying shoes and cooking.”

“Cooking?” I asked confusedly. “Why do I have to learn any of those things?”

He shrugged his shoulders at me. “Hey it was just some helpful advice but if you don’t take it up then don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Linc will you just tell me what the hell you’re talking about.” Colt barked.

“I can’t.” He replied. “I’ve already got one strike against me for telling you guys that I’m a God. If I say anything else…” He shivered dramatically. “It’s bad news.”

Colt folded his arms over his board chest. “Fine then why else did you come over here for other than teasing us?”

“Oh that?” He chuckled as he walked over to me. He noticed the bandages wrapped around me and frowned. “I didn’t know that you liked things this rough Allie,”

I went to hide my wrists behind my back but Linc grabbed ahold of my hands. His hands tightened around mine and I felt a shock rush between us. “Ow!” I jumped yanking my hands away in the process. “What the hell was that for?”

Linc smiled down at the bandages. “Think of me as your new guardian angel.”

Confused as to what he was saying I frowned up at him and then over to Colt. Colt looked just as confused as I was and I felt my fist clench together. That’s when something strange occurred. My wrists didn’t feel any sting or stiffness from the movement. I glanced down at my wrapped wrist before looking back up at the God. His smile grew even more.

I stared back down on my wrist for a moment before grabbing ahold of the bandage and un-twirling it. The blood stained white bandages fell to the floor as I stared at my perfectly healed wrists. As if it was some kind of trick I started to rub my fingers over each smoothed flesh but no matter how many times I touched it the wounds wouldn’t reappear.

I looked back up at Linc completely baffled. “T-Thank you.”

His smile only grew. “It’s all part of my job now.”

“I don’t think I understand what you’re saying.” Colt walked up to my side and felt my wrists.

Linc let out a sigh. “I told you already to think of me as your guardian angel. Doesn’t that explain enough?”

“Doesn’t explain why.” Colt said seriously.

His friend rolled his eyes. “Since I let you all know that I was a God the man upstairs told me that you were my problem to deal with. See people aren’t really supposed to know that Gods roam the earth because then things will just get hectic. When a person finds out about us we normally kill the unlucky bastard.”

Colt looked over at Linc with a snarl. “So you came here to kill us?”

“If I was planning on killing you guys then why the hell would I have just heal Allie?” He shot back. “I convinced the Big Guy that it was better to let you both live, I had to pull in a few decades old favors but basically he gave me the okay as long as I watch over you guys and make sure that you never tell anyone that I’m all powerful.”

“Who’s this big guy that you keep talking about?” I asked trying my best to follow along with what Linc was telling us.

“Actually,” Linc smiled sheepishly and scratched the side of his chin. “He’s like the ruler of all Gods and he’s kind of my dad.”

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