(17) The Fear

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Looking into Kirk’s eyes was like witnessing my own death over and over again. Tightness grew in my chest as I stared into those cold wrathful orbs. My heart was wildly beating against my chest and my tightly clenched hands were shaking. I knew that I had to do something. I had to get away. I had to move, but my body wasn’t listening. My body was too scared to even flinch away from his touch. I was too scared.

Kirk’s smile deepened into something more wicked and cruel as he leaned even closer to me. His chilling breath brushed against my other cheek, “You look absolutely petrified dear.”

I wanted to back away, I wanted to run, I wanted to scream at him for touching me, but nothing happened. The only thing that I could manage to do was watch him as he scooted off of the armrest and closer to me, his eyes were filled with pleasure at the fact that I was doing nothing to defend myself. As if to test just how far he could go, Kirk let his hand skim from my cheek, down to my neck and then back into my hair.

The smile that grew on his face would have made a devil tremble in fear at the pure evilness that radiated from it. I felt the urge to tremble in fear myself but my body was so frightened that I couldn’t even manage that small task. All I could do was watch and listen.

“I see that you’re too scared to even speak, aren’t you?” His voice was as chilling as his touch but when he laughed it was even worse. “Did I really make that good of a first impression on you or was it something else? Tell me Allie, what has Colt told you about me?”

My throat was to dry and to tight so make a sound but that didn’t stop me from thinking. Colt actually hadn’t told me that much about him at all. All of the information I had gotten on him had come from Jackie and that had been only after I had asked. What I did know from Colt was that Kirk wanted me dead at all costs but here he was question me for some unknown reason.

The smile on Kirk’s face slowly started to drift away when I didn’t speak to him and I could see the anger beginning to build up inside of him. It was a strange sight to see that just a second ago he was delighted at the fact that I was so afraid of him and now that it was working against him he was getting aggravated.

He slipped his hand further into my hair before wrapping it around his finger and pulling on it. “You will speak when I ask you a question you damn mongrel. Now tell me what Colt has said about me?” He hissed through his tightly clenched teeth.

I winced more at the discomfort of having my hair being pulled than the pain I felt from it. “Nothing.” I managed to whisper dryly. “He told me nothing about you.”

Kirk growled low in his throat, “I can tell that you’re lying to me because you wouldn’t be so frightened of me otherwise.”

“No,” I croaked out. “Colt has only told me that you wanted to kill me and that’s it. I don’t even understand why you want to kill me in the first place, I swear.”

That wasn’t necessarily true however. I did know that he wanted to kill me because I was Colt’s mate, but if I told him that then he would most likely believe that Colt and I were already partially mated and Colt had made that very clear that it was not something that we wanted him to know about.

As if to try to prove me wrong Kirk leaned in even closer to me. I could feel the fear piling back up inside of my chest when his nose touched my throat.

Was he really going to rip my throat out right now? Was I really going to die here in a shopping mall? I wondered. Thinking that this may very well be the last thing I was ever going to see I quickly began to memorize every single detail of the mall. The high ceiling, the reflective glass on the display window, the group of people laughing to the right of us, and that’s when I realized something.

Kirk couldn’t kill me because we were here at the mall surrounded by hundreds of humans! The conversation that Jackie and I had discussed a while ago popped back into my head. How us as race had almost gone extinct because the humans had found out about our existence, and with that little bit of information I felt slightly less scared.

“Why do you care if Colt has told me about you?” I questioned in a slightly more solid voice.

“Where is the fun in killing a clueless mutt?” he smiled.

I managed to muster up a frown on my face and that only made Kirk laugh. He slowly loosened his grip on my hair and started to twirl a few strands of it around his hand. I shivered at smell of his scent mixing in with mine and suddenly I started to feel ill.

“There is no fun in killing at all.” I replied.

Kirk’s smile grew into something maculate. “Oh come now Allie,” He started. “You can’t honestly tell me that you have never felt the slightest twinge of pleasure in killing someone before.”

My frowned deepened. “Of course not.” I answered hurriedly. The man couldn’t truly believe that I had actually killed someone before let alone felt satisfaction from it.

As if to prove me wrong Kirk laughed at my quick reply. “So you’re telling me that you have never taken down a deer or a rabbit before?”

“Of course I have but that’s different from killing a person.”

He bared his sharp white teeth in a wicked smile. “Not by much Allie, in fact the two are very similar to one another. The thrill of the chase, the smell of fear on their skin just before you take that final leap, and the taste of your kill’s fresh warm blood wetting your mouth is all the same. The only difference being is that the taste of a human or wolf is much sweeter than that of any other animal and when I finally kill you, I imagine that it will be the most sinful tasting blood I have ever had.”

I could feel the pit of my stomach turn distastefully at his remark. Was he trying to see if he could scare me even more or simply seeing how far he could go before making me throw up? “You’re sick.” I spat out.

“No sweet Allie, I’m a wolf.” He leaned forward and took a long sniff of my hair, no doubt memorizing my scent. Something about it must have displeased him however because the smile quickly dropped off of his face. He took another deep inhale of my scent to double check before pulling away and looking me dead in the eyes.

“You don’t smell of Colt.” He explained.

Sincerely confused as to what he was talking about I asked, “What?”

His grip on my hair tightened again as he growled out. “You don’t smell like your mate!”

“My mate?” I replied knowing very well that from this point on I was going to have to act as clueless as possible from this point on. “You think that Colt is my mate?”

The lines in his brow deepened before he hissed out. “Don’t play around with me mutt, I already know that you to are mates.” He dropped his hand from my hair and let it fall down to the collar of my shirt where he tugged it down. I yelp at the sudden move and even tried to scoot away from him but his cold black stare pinned me to my seat. He looked over my bare neck for a longer moment before letting go of my shirt. “So he hasn’t mated with you yet huh?”

“Of course not.” I raised my hand up to my stretched out collar and started to rub the side of my neck. “Colt hardly says a word to me and when I had wanted to kiss him to see if we were mates he had refused me.” It wasn’t really hard to tell Kirk this because it was actually true, and if I could get Kirk to believe that there was a major rift between Colt and me then maybe I could get us a little elbow room.

Kirk lowered his eyes to my shirt and smiled. “If that was completely true then why are you wearing his shirt?” As soon as those words had left his mouth I knew that there was nothing I could say or do to make Kirk believe that Colt and I didn’t have some kind of a relationship and what made it even worse was that he knew it too.

His smile returned to his face as he leaned confidently closer to me. “How about you make things a little easier for me here Allie, and just mate with him already. If you do this little favor for me then maybe I will go a little easier on Colt when the time comes to kill you.”

I could feel my teeth snap together as rage started pumping its way through my body. “No,” I hissed out. The only reason why Kirk wanted me to hurry up and mate with Colt was so that it would hurt Colt more if he lost me than it would if we weren’t mated.

His eyebrow twitched at my quick dismissal, “You’ll do as I say or face the consequences.”

“I’m not afraid of you.” I barked.

Kirk looked into my eyes with a snarl forming on his thin lips. “We both know that that is a lie. I can smell the fear clinging onto your skin. I know very well that are a scared now because I’m so much stronger than you, but I’ll let you in on a little secret as well. I have this gluttonous urge to spill your intestines across the floor right here and now, but I want see the look on Colt’s face when I kill you. I want see him I pain of losing the only person in the world he could ever truly love, I want him grovel at my feet to spare your pathetic life as I slowly begin to tare you apart right before his eyes, and just when you’re about to give your last breath I’ll tell you my reasons for doing it all.”

He laughed hysterically near my ear. “I can already picture the look in your eyes when I finally tell you my reasoning for revenge. I can see it all now, you kneeling on the ground beside me bleeding out while Colt is only a few feet away, completely helpless in saving your life, and all the while you’ll be staring at him completely horrified by all of the things he had done. Ah yes,” He sighed. “It will be marvelous event.”

In the back of my mind I wondered just what Colt had done to warrant such hatred from a person that had once been considered his brother. Even though Colt had a rough exterior I knew, I knew that he was sweet and caring on the inside. So what had my mate done? What could he have possibly done to create such a putrid person?

I didn’t have the time however to really think about the subject anymore because Kirk was growing even more angry. The fear that had dimmed inside of me quickly started to flicker back up again. If he had something so dastardly planned for me and Colt then I was pretty sure that he probably didn’t give a damn whether or not we were in public. The man was obviously set in his ways which left me with only one thing to do. Run.

Unlike before when my body had been too frightened to even flinch it was the exact opposite now. Before Kirk could even notice the change in my mood I quickly slammed my forehead into his nose. Since the move had been made without much thought at all Kirk had no time to dodge it. The popping sound of cartilage flattening into his face left me with a sting of satisfaction and the blood that gushed down my forehead was even more pleasing.

He howled out at pain and flung his hands over his broken nose. Not wanting to miss a second in my window of opportunity I quickly flung myself away from the bench and started to race through the crowds of people. Colors of people’s clothes flashed pasted me like autumn leaves falling on a windy day. I didn’t know where I was going or even what I would do next, I just ran. I sprinted my way down hall after hall of the shopping center until I was in what I presumed to be the hunting grounds.

A variety of different scents masked the air around making my mouth water in appreciation but sadly I had much more important things on my mind than filling my stomach. Instead I planned to try to hid my own scent in the mix of all of this food but before I could even scoop out a good hiding place a very familiar scent entered my nose; Pumpkin spice.

Jackie, I thought and suddenly I felt as if a hole had opened up underneath me and I had fallen in. I had forgotten about Jackie.

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This would have been longer but i wanted to update before i went to work. I hope that you all liked it and i look forward to reading your thoughts on it! Thank you all who have been commenting or voting i really love you guys for that.

I wasn't sure when i would have enough time to update again but hopefully it will be tomorrow morning so that you all won't have to wait that long.

Alone Until I Met You (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora