(6) The Girl who was Shrouded in Darkness

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His warm breath tickled my stomach when he let out a long sigh. For a moment I thought he was going to answer my question so I shut my mouth and watched him intently. A muscle in his jaw twitched right before he closed his eyes and nuzzling his cold nose near my naval. I shuddered at the feeling of him getting comfortable while my stomach did little flickering flips. Slowly his breathing became more even against my skin and I knew that he was trying to play it off that he was asleep. Tentatively I skimmed the surface of his face with the back of my figures until they were nestled into his dark hair. I tugged on the locks forcefully and was greeted with a low growl.

“I wouldn’t do that again if I was you.” He warned before cracking open one of his eyes to glare at me.

I smiled innocently down at him as I twirled a few strands of his hair between my fingers. “I wouldn’t avoid answering my question next time then.”

A deep growl escaped from his lips as he lifted his head away from my stomach. In one smooth motion he had me pinned against the couch with his body hovering a few inches above mine. His long toned arms were positioned on either side of my head and his hard thighs pressed down against mine own, trapping me completely. I stared up at him wide eyed as he slowly lowered his head down towards mine stopping as soon as our noses touched. My chest felt heavy from holding in my breath and already I could feel my lungs screaming for more air.

The glow in his eyes was literally stopping me from breathing though. At some point they had changed colors. They no longer held that breathless green color anymore but had changed into a ruthless gold. A shiver ran up the length of my spine just as another growl vibrated from his lips. Warning me about just how seriously pissed off he was.

“You seemed to have forgotten your place here pup.” His gold eyes burned into mine until I felt heat coursing through my veins. “I am more dominate than you are so what I say goes. You are not going to ask about my past unless I decide to tell you about it, you are going to do as I say when I say it, and you will not argue with me. Is that understood?”

Even though his eyes were scorching hot his voice was the exact opposite. The freezing chill of it left my own voice completely paralyzed and despite my best efforts to hold it back my body trembled under his. Something scorching hot flashed in his gaze when I didn’t answer him making my stomach flip nervously. His lips pealed back into a snarl showing off his white and very deadly teeth.

Automatically I opened my dry mouth to say something, anything that would appease him. “I know my place Colt. I am a lone wolf, that means that I follow no one, and until we form a pack I don’t have to listen to you either.”

As soon as those words escaped my mouth I instantly wished that it hadn’t. My mouth snapped itself shut quickly so that nothing else would escape from it but already I could see the damage that it had done. Colt’s jaw locked into place as a loud roar sounded through the air. I shrieked back at the ear cracking sound but no matter how deep I went into the couch I couldn’t escape his rage.

“A lone wolf wouldn’t have followed a rogue into his apartment. A lone wolf wouldn’t have come running into my bedroom in the middle of the fucking night. A lone wolf wouldn’t need a guy like me to protect them because a lone wolf would be able to watch their own hide. So until you get some meat on your scrawny bones you’re going to need my protection, so I suggest that you listen to what I have to say pup.”

The anger radiating from his body should have kept me paralyzed, his heated glare should have kept me scared, and his haunting roar should have kept me mute, but none of it did. Instead I opened my big mouth yet again.

“Was she your sister?”

He let out another roar right before he dug his fingers into my shoulder and shook me; hard. “Stop that!”

Despite the bite I felt from his nails digging into my flesh I didn’t stop. “Part of your old pack? Your mother?”

A deadly growl rumbled through his chest, “Allie I’m warning you to knock it off.”

I was already too engrossed in finding out about Hailey to stop. The questions kept pounding in the back of my head like a throbbing sore and I feared the pain that I would feel if they were left unanswered more than the fear I felt towards him. “Was Hailey your mate?”

His snarling and growling stopped at that question. He eyes dimmed and his mouth formed into a stern line. My chest grew even heavier as a slow burn sizzled at the base of my heart. The pain became so great that a low whine escaped from my lips. A saddened look filled his eyes as he gazed down at me. Time just seemed to escape between the two of us at that moment until he parted his lips.

I flinched at the sound of his voice. I didn’t want to hear him say that he had already found his mate because if Hailey was it then I felt as if I might shatter. His grip on me loosened as he drew in a deep breath then started to speak in a low haunting voice.

“Hailey used to be my girlfriend.”

I frowned up at him at the word girlfriend. This was now the third time I had heard that word and I still only had a vague idea of what it was. I knew because of Linc that a friend was some kind of companion and that girl was another word for female so did that make it a female companion?

As if he sensed my question Colt’s eyes grew even sadder. Slowly he lowered his head down towards mine until our forehead were touching. “A girlfriend is a human word for a potential mate or love interest.”

My chest tightened at the word mate and automatically I felt like I was drowning in some kind of horrible suffocating blackness. I rubbed the tip of my nose against his begging him to continue so that the pain I was feeling might stop. He dragged his forehead away from mine and quickly buried his nose into the crook of my neck, taking a deep luxurious inhale before sighing.

“She died two years.” He whispered.

The sorrow in his voice made me feel even more pain, and then suddenly I was running my fingers through his dark hair and holding him against my neck. His hot breath warmed my flesh as he buried his face even deeper.

My voice cracked as I spoke quietly, “Was she your mate?”

The muscles on the back of his neck tightened underneath my fingertips and I could help but wince at the feeling. Hesitantly at first he raised his head up from the crook of my neck. I felt as if I had just been slapped in the face with cold water when his skin was no longer touching mine, but then his warm green eyes were staring into mine and I couldn’t breathe.

“No Allie, she wasn’t my mate.”

The tightness inside of my chest just seemed to disappear at that. I had no clue why hearing that would make me feel so relieved but for some reason it did and then I felt ashamed. How could I feel relief at hearing that his dead girlfriend was not his mate?

My arms dropped down from around him as I hesitantly asked my next question. “How did she die?”

As if that had been the wrong question to ask he instantly closed up. His eyes returned back to that hard emotionless trap and the muscle next to his right eyes twitched. He rolled himself away from me and planted his feet onto the floor before standing up. Not wanting him to just avoiding my question I reached out for his hand and lanced my fingers through his.

“Colt,” I started gently but stopped when I felt his fingers tighten over mine.

“Don’t ask me about that…..I can’t talk about it yet. I just can’t right now okay?”

Using his strength as leverage I picked myself up off of the couch and stood next to him with my hand still enclosed in his. “You will tell me about it though won’t you?”

He winced at my question as if it had caused him pain. Worried that it had done just that, I placed my other hand on his shoulder and positioned myself in front of him. He looked down into my eyes with a frown firmly place on his face.

“I can’t promise you that one Allie, I’m sorry.”

I went to argue with him but he cut me off.

“We should probably start on forming that pack now. I know of a few rouge werewolves that might be interested in joining us but first I need to get you a new pair of clothes.”

I looked down at the big black shirt that I was wearing and the big grey sweatpants. My eyebrows were frowned when I looked back up at him in confusion. “What’s wrong with what I am wearing right now?”

His smile caught me completely off-guard and all I could do was stare up at him in amazement. I had only seen him smile once briefly before and it was nothing compared to this one. His large grin changed his whole persona. The tough, dominate, full throttle male had somehow vanished into the air and was replaced with this carefree, warm, human being. The smile even touched his hard green eyes making them sparkle with something magnificent.

He tugged on my arm lightly as he led me back to his room. “Nothing is wrong with that outfit Allie, but you look like a small child in it.”

My nose crinkled at the analogy and I couldn’t suppress the growl that came with it. “I only look like a child because you are really big.”

He looked back over his shoulder with one eyebrow raised. “I think you just complimented me.”

My mouth dropped open at his accusation. “I did not.”

His eyes sparkled mischievously before he released my hand and opened up a drawer on his dresser. “Well that’s good then I guess because then I would feel obligated to compliment you and personally that would be a bit of a challenge.”

I didn’t even have the chance to gawk at the man before he tossed a pair of his jeans and another shirt at my face. Then he ushered me out into the living before slamming his bedroom door in my face. After a moment I realized that I was supposed to change in the living room again and growled out in frustration. If I didn’t hurry up and do what he wanted me to do then he was going to open the door when I was in the middle of changing. Of course I had no problem being naked in my human skin since I was always naked in wolf form but I knew that he would make some kind of crack at me so I quickly changed. It was easier putting on these clothes this time around because I knew what limb went where but when it came to buttoning the pants I was lost.

As if sensing my distress and frustration Colt came out of his room and walked right over to me with his normal frown back on his face. Without even asking for his help he just grabbed ahold of the jeans and clicked the button into place. I wiggled my legs in the loosely fitted jeans and looked up at him.

“Are you sure it’s okay for me to wear boy jeans?”

He shrugged his shoulder in reply. “The human females wear them all the time as a fashion statement.” With that he grabbed ahold of my hand again and led me towards the door.

I knew that he was hustling me along because he didn’t want me to ask any more questions about Hailey. There was something more to the story that he wasn’t telling me and by the feeling I had in the pit of my stomach I knew that it was something huge. Kirk’s imagine popped into my mind and I instantly started trembling. Even he knew something about Hailey that I didn’t and knowing that formed a lot of other questions. What had happened between him and Colt? How did Kirk know Hailey? Did they all used to belong to the same pack? Were they of rival packs? Was Kirk responsible for Hailey’s death?

I looked at the back of Colt’s head in wonder. How long was he going to leave me in the dark on all of this?


A big shout out to BeautyInDisaster19 for being such an amazing and tottally awesome person. Please please please go check out her story "Terrifyingly True" it is not a werewolf story but it is filled with laughter and cute romance. If you do so please tell me that you have and i will return the favor. XD

Thank you all for reading, commenting, and etc. I hope that you all enjoyed this update and have many many questions about the story. I apologize in advance for any misspellings or misused words thanks again for your understanding :)

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