Keep Your Money, Asshole!

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The sight in front of Asher was to die for.

Asher realized he made a good choice in choosing Dia to watch Jaxon.

Jaxon was snuggled in Dia's ribs while she had her one hand wrapped around his frame. All of his uneasiness after the meeting went down the drain when he saw them sleeping so peacefully.

He came near Jaxon and kissed him on his head, he was so sorry that he was late. All he wanted was to hold his little man in his arms. He pondered it was best to leave the room now and meet in the morning as he didn't want to ruin his slumber.

Before he could reach the door knob his guts made him turn towards her, she was sleeping peacefully too. She looked so natural not like the other girls who only knew one beauty which is plastic. But Dia was nothing about them, she was unique and beautiful in her own fucking way.

He couldn't help it, he just couldn't help it. His instincts were acting totally different, he gave her a light peck on her forehead as well. He took hold of the blanket and covered her entire frame. When she felt the movement she flinched and her grip became tighter on Jaxon as if someone has attacked them. Always so protective of my son, that is the only reason I like her.

To assure her that he meant no harm he kept one arm on her shoulder and squeezed a bit.

"You are late," she muttered and beamed. Her eyes were still heavy, looking at him adorably. Her voice was so resonant that hardened Asher to some extent. How easily his body reacted to hers. Asher was short of utterances as he got lost in his deep voice and sleepy eyes.

"yes, sleep, we'll talk in the morning," that's all he managed to say. Dia sat up not completely and said, "we waited for you till 10 but then we both fell into sleep."

How adorable! But it will really help if she is back in her sleep because it was getting out of control what Asher's heart was demanding.

"Are you hungry? There's pizza in the refrigerator, I can warm it up if you want."
Not helping. Not helping the situation at all. She is so good and innocent in this world. I threatened to kill her and now she wants to warm pizza for me, How poetic!

Oh, all he wants is to protect her from the monsters who lay a single eye on her. But right now, he was the one who was eye-fucking her. Stop Asher, stop it right now. That was a one-time thing, never again! Remember, she is just here to babysit Jax. That's it.

"Ah, no, I'm full, sleep. Good night," he said while scratching his forehead and making it obvious that he don't want to kiss all.

Dia woke up in the morning and remembered Asher is already home, he even came last night to check up on them. And then she remembered how he squeezed her shoulder. One touch is all it takes to make her blush like an apple. She saw Jaxon who was still sleeping, she came out of bed without waking him up and got down in the kitchen.

"Good morning," greeted Asher while seating himself in one of the chairs of the dining table. She got scared when she heard his voice and let out a shriek.
"Morning," she greeted back.

"You were not there yesterday, and Jaxon was alone so I thought I should sleep with him in case he gets nightmares or something like that. If I were in another room, I would never know anything because I sleep like dogs, so I'm sorry I slept with him and not in the guestroom," she tried to explain herself. She thought he will be mad at her for sleeping in his son's room.

He did not even think about it for a mere beat. Her intentions were pure, that's all it matters.  He didn't even feel close to anger or irritation, "it's alright. I'm glad you did. Did he get any nightmares ?" he asked.

He kept some money on the table and said, "it's your tip for helping me." Asher didn't want to hurt her, he just wanted to make her happy, that's it. But she was not like the other women. Bundles of money did not make her happy. It did but only when she earned it with her sweat and blood. And babysitting Jaxon was hardly about sweat and blood.

All her smile and glow faded, "what?" she let out. "you helped me when I needed the most, so this is extra money for you, isn't this what you wanted? The sooner you pay my debt, the sooner you can leave this place," he said. He had no idea what was going on in her head, he was confused when he saw the look on her face.

"th...thats what you think of me? I helped you because I needed the money. What the hell is wrong with you? I helped you out of kindness and humanity and here you are throwing money in my face. Take all your money and shove it up your ass," she said with teary eyes. She threw money in his face and took her purse from the guestroom. She headed towards the main gate until he heard his voice.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me and raise your voice when I'm talking to you," she said in an angry tone.

But Dia didn't care about anything at this point, with all her pride she said, "or what? You're gonna shoot me? Just like you shot that man? I'm not the one who is dying for money, it's you, you have forced me to work for you and pay all your debt, remember? Enjoy your money, asshole!" And she left.

She did not just say that. She is the first person to say that to him and still breathing. Asher was shocked what did he do wrong? How dare she call him an asshole. That girl didn't care about her life, not even a bit. He was stunned to see her like that and he could easily say that he was kind of turned on by that.

For the first time in his life, he gave someone money and it turned out to be like this. He was angry as well as confused, about what exactly did he do wrong. But one thing he was sure of, he did not feel good..AT ALL.

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