CHP 9: Surfboard

872 36 9

Normani POV
At the club

Stuck in the middle. That's how I feel right now. When looking at the term Stuck in the Middle, it usually means that someone is stuck in the middle of two other people arguing.

In my case the two people were arguing, not with their words, but with their eyes, and eyes belonged to Y/n and Kiara.

When Kiara came storming back to the booth, it was a known fact that some shit had just happened between her and Y/n. Kiara's lips were tight and there was a glint in her eye that made me wonder if she was going to start punching people in the next five minutes.

Y/n on the other hand was throwing back shot after shot. She was obviously pissed off by whatever Kiara had told her but she didn't look too broken up about it.

As time passed and their silent argument continued, I grew uncomfortable. "Hey Y/n can you scoot over, I'm going to go find Ryan." The taller girl slowly nodded her head.

"Yeahhh, did you know that Ryan is my friend." I chickened at. the drunk girls statement. "Yes Y/n she's my friend too." The girl just smiled at me and put her thumbs up.

I guess she forgot that I asked her to move. So I did a scoot motion with my hand and she took the hint and stepped out the booth. Once I was out I quickly spotted Ryan by the bar and made my way to her.

I watched Normani as she walked off. My eyes almost immediately were drawn to her ass. After a couple seconds I returned my focus to the people at my table.

My drunken state could barley follow conversation, but the feeling of burning eyes is something I could. Of course it was Kiara's eyes.
She looked pissed. Well more like angry, but right now her annoyance with me just made it worse. If I hadn't been drunk, I might have thought twice about staring at Normani's ass. Or at least made it less obvious.

You'd think that as the night passed she ease up on looking at me. But she never did. When I went to dance with my friends, she was watching. When I went to get a drink, she was watching. My discomfort was close to a peak it luckily everyone decided to leave around 2.

"Oh fuck I can't drive yo." I said as I walked out the loud building with my roommates, Kiara and Normani. Once Kiara pissed me off I completely forgot about driving. Drinking became my number 1 priority.

"Damn Y/n. I should've left with Ryan, I forgot that you was my ride." Mani huffed in annoyance.

"You should of." Kiara muttered under her breath while we were walking towards Zendaya car. I shrugged my shoulders and handed my keys to Kehlani. She got the hint and made her way to my black 2012 Honda Accord.

"Girl you can stay the night with us, we'll drop you off." Zendaya told Mani. Before the shorter girl could respond, Didi spoke up.

"Who the fuck is we. Y/n dumbass got drunk, so she's going to drop of Normani when she sober." I flipped off my teammate and opened the door once we were close.

I climbed inside and buckled my seatbelt. Mani and Kiara followed suit and sat on each side of me. It was awkwardly silent at first but Didi had put some music on. Soon enough she started yelling along and singing with the beat and lyrics. I let myself relax, and ultimately fell asleep for the short 15 minute ride.

When we pulled up to the apartments I unbuckled my seat belt and once Kiara got out the car, I sprinted up the stairs. The door was already unlocked, meaning that Lani was here.

Under The Radar Normani/You Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang