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Chapter 60: The Mission

245 24 206

Year 2205

Akira lay in her bed, admiring her gold three-star pin as she held it up to the light and ran her fingertips over the sharp points.

It felt silly to be entranced by something as meaningless as the small captain's pin. For one, they were mass produced, and the military was probably willing to give them out to anyone that qualified for the sake of building their dwindling ranks. Second, it's not like Akira would get the chance to wear it. It was only meant for her service and formal uniforms, neither of which she would likely use until the war ended; her customary combat uniform required special patches to prevent damaging the adaptive camouflage material. Essentially, the pin was just a trivial gesture of her promotion.

Still, Akira couldn't help but feel proud at the sight of it. She made it to captain one year younger than the average, and she had impressed multiple high-ranking officials along the way. Sure, maybe most were only awed by her mom's legacy, but Akira liked to think her mom would be proud of her too.

An upbeat knock on her open door frame startled her upright, and when she quickly wrapped the pin in her right fist, the points pressed against her skin.

"What's this I hear about a new captain?" Kekoa asked with a singsong voice and a knowing grin.

"What're you talking about?" Akira replied, her innocence clearly feigned.

Kekoa shot her a pointed look. "Oh, don't try that with me. I know you got promoted!"

Even though Akira answered with an exaggerated groan, she couldn't help but let a wide smile spread across her face.

"Did Makana tell you?" she asked, scooting towards her pillow to make room.

Kekoa immediately took the offered seat. "Of course. You know they can't keep a secret when they're excited, and they are definitely excited for you."

Akira grinned. "Funny. Sounds like someone else I know."

"Hey, hey, hey," Kekoa warned with exaggerated seriousness. "I'm the mature, older brother."

"Oh, right. By eight minutes, was it?"

"I know how to keep my cool, especially under pressure."

Akira leaned forward and rested her chin on her fist, pretending to be listening intently. "Is that so? How fascinating!"

Kekoa pouted. "Rude. Anyway, why didn't you tell me first if you wanted it to be a surprise?"

"Because. I'm dating Makana, not you."

"Dating?" Kekoa scoffed. "Please. You're practically my sister-in-law already. And as your brother-in-law, I should have equal seniority with Makana in regards to secret-telling."

Akira raised her eyebrows. "We both know that Makana will always surpass you in my book. And besides, I wanted to surprise you in a...special way. With witnesses to see your ugly shocked face."

Kekoa narrowed his eyes, confused. "Special way?" Then, his eyes widened. "At the brief tonight?"

Akira grinned. "Uh-huh!"

"For the special mission?"


"And you'll be the captain?"

"You got it!"

"What?" Kekoa exclaimed, jumping to his feet and running his hands through his thick, dark curls. "No way! That's awesome!"

For a few seconds, he continued to pace Akira's small bedroom, occasionally letting out a disbelieving "what" and an awed "no way." Eventually, he calmed down enough for his feet to still and he turned back to Akira.

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