Chapter 38

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Golden rays of bright daylight filtered through the air, illuminating each freckle on Jax's face in such a way that almost made Corey believe in miracles. The cavity in his chest overflowed as he watched his mate – a reflection of his heart and soul – playfully poke at his little brother.

"I think I need to take up eating dirt, because I swear you make that shit look like a gourmet twelve-course meal." Jax grumbled through a smile, bending forward from where he sat between Corey's long legs to wrangle up the wandering infant and place him back onto the picnic blanket that they all shared. The Beta then used his thumb to coax Theon's tiny palm open, trying to intercept the fistful of dirt before the wriggling baby could bring it to his mouth.

Theon only squealed as he resisted the steal, lips curling into a giggle in front of toothless gums as if he thought it was a game. Jax ground out a huff as he recruited his other hand to assist in battle.

"Goddessdammit, since when did babies become pro goddamn wrestlers!?" He cried, exasperated as Theon continued to effortlessly thwart his pilfering. Corey could only chuckle, leaning back on his palms to savor the precious moment as glints of amusement flashed through his dark brown eyes.

No matter how much they both enjoyed the last five days they'd spent together, cooped up like hermits as Corey bred Jax like a beast atop every flat surface known to man, neither could deny that this breath of fresh air was a much-needed reprieve. In fact, the very second that Jax's pheromones simmered down to a level that didn't leave Corey popping a knot at the mere whiff of him, the Beta was asking – no, demanding – to be informed as to the whereabouts of Theon.

It had taken all of thirty seconds – including a momentary backtrack in which Corey shoved one of his own shirts over Jax's nude form – for Jax to sniff the baby out. He burst into Osias and Berlin's quarters unannounced, limp-sprinting as fast as he possibly could over to the crib, before gripping the squealing baby to his chest so tightly that for a moment there, everyone thought that he might break him. But when his arms softened, pulling back to pinch Theon's rounded cheek with watery eyes and a soft 'I missed you so much, bubba,' it was obvious that the itty bitty infant already had the Beta wrapped up tight around his wee little fingers.

"He takes after his big brother," Corey responded, voice low, relaxed, and playful. He tilted his head and reached out a finger to jiggle Theon's juicy cheeks while Jax endured in his attempt to grapple the fist full of dirt away, letting out a few grunts in the process. "In fact, I think that this little wrestler could teach us a thing or two about self-defense. Maybe he should start sitting in on warrior training with me every now and then."

Jax faltered in his war with Theon, hands going slack as he threw a disbelieving glance over his shoulder at his Alpha. Corey felt the reprimand before he heard it.

"I fuckin' dare you to bring my baby anywhere near those goddamn training fields, Corey Cahill!" He scolded, words laced with equal parts sass and threat. "Because I swear to the god/dess, if I find out he was within a fifty-foot fuckin' radius of those grounds, I will not hesitate to fill my asshole with cement and blue-ball you until your damn penisexplodes!"

Corey instantly cringed, pushing off of the heels of his hands to cling his arms around his mate's waist. Hunching over, he pressed his cheek into the nape of Jax's neck in apology.

"I apologize, my love. I promise that I will never suggest such horrendous things again."

Jax threw him a lopsided brow raise filled with so much paternal scorn that Corey – big, bad Alpha that he was – hunched even further down, hiding from the scold.

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