17 - Callum

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Our friends looked to be sitting at the edge of their seats while Eloise and I approached the table—their curious eyes looking to know what transpired in our room after Eloise discovered who I was.

And I'm sure it's because Eloise strode through the restaurant like she was on a mission to open up a can of whoop ass once she got to our awaiting table of friends.

I suppose it didn't help that I told her I'd fuck her in front of our friends if she misbehaved. And if that wasn't it, it could be because she caught herself moaning when I planted another kiss on her lips, leaving her breathless when the elevator doors opened and I stepped out, leaving her standing where she was.

But I suppose the real reasons are that she feels blindsided that Isabelle failed to fill her in that me—her boss—the bosshole she despises with a passion is who she's holed up with all week. Who's also her dancing partner and the one walking her down the aisle of her best friend's wedding?

Oh, and everyone but she knows I was her one-night stand four months ago.

Even I'm still stunned by that one. Never in my life had I slept with an employee who works for me. Ever.

Rory's expression looks like he's worried he'll be stepping in and breaking up a fight between Eloise and me sometime during the meal.

Hudson and Shelby also looked like they were anticipating a fight to begin, where we'd be asked to leave by hotel staff.

Greyson and Amanda looked like they were studying our faces—mainly mine—looking like they were expecting to find some scratches or bruises on my face because of Eloise's aggressive personality.

Carina looked amused as could be. And Jace and Tallulah looked more than thrilled, like they knew the table was about to become loud—and embarrassing. And they couldn't wait to witness Eloise and me going at it like a married couple.

Of course, Aaron not only had a shit-eating grin on his face, but he also looked entertained. After what I had him do for me the prior week, and he fucked up by giving her a box of screws, he knows he now has a front-row seat to see how my week with Eloise will go.

He also looks like he thinks I'll invite him to join us in a threesome sometime this week, which will never happen. I've shared with him before, but I will not be sharing Eloise.

And then there's poor Isabelle, trying to read Eloise's expression. She also has a concerned look in her eye, like she's wondering if Eloise will be telling her once she gets to the table, she's leaving to go home.

So when Eloise flew by me on a mission to get to our table, I hurried after her before she embarrassed everyone. When I caught up to her, I made sure she knew not to make a scene by parking my hand firmly on the small of her back and reminding her that if she can't say anything nice, not to say anything at all.

Like she'll do that... I already know she'll be firing rounds. If not now, it'll be soon.

When we got to the table, I pulled out a chair for Eloise to sit beside Isabelle. Instead of sitting in the chair I offered her, she took the next seat over beside Aaron.

"Hello, you two," Isabelle happily greeted us as I sat. "Did you guys have a nice talk?"

"Oh, yeah, it was fucking nice, all right," Eloise grumbled. "It's always lovely when you're excited to get away from your boss' bullshit for a week, to spend much-needed time in paradise, only to find out you'll still have to deal with him. Instead of dealing with the motherfucker through emails, as I had been. I'm being forced to deal with him directly."

Strike one.

Aaron laughed at her remark, and everyone but Isabelle pursed their lips. "Eloise. Callum is not as bad as you think he is," Isabelle said, surprisingly sticking up for me. "You two just got off on the wrong foot. So give him a chance."

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