44 - Eloise

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Three weeks ago, when I visited Trent to give him a piece of my mind, something I wasn't expecting happened. Trent offered me to be in the auction he was throwing, three weeks from that day.

Of course, we argued for about an hour or so about Callum and what I saw. He, too, insisted what I saw wasn't what it looked like. And the more he stuck up for his brother, the more upset I became.

Not that I was upset he was sticking up for Callum; I was angry he wouldn't explain what I had witnessed earlier in the day and everything else I wanted to know about him; he remained tight-lipped. Claiming it was his brother who needed to tell me everything.

Same shit I'd heard for months.

Even though Trent was part of the mess between Callum and me, I told him I couldn't be angry with him like I was with his brother since Callum was the one who could have made the day turn out much differently than how it went down. All he had to do was tell Trent he'd meet with him later, and the incidents that happened that day probably never would have happened.

Trent's offer to put me up for the auction block wasn't to help make him money for the club. And he didn't intend to auction me off for another man to whisk me off my feet. It was something he claimed I needed to do to get under Callum's skin, and to light a fire under his ass to get him to see what he's been doing, not only to me, but to himself. Saying if I really wanted to know how Callum felt about me and if I wanted to see with my own eyes if he truly loved me like he claimed he did, I'd put myself on that stage to give Callum a chance to show how much I meant to him and what he'd do for me.

At first, I told him absolutely not, telling him that if Callum loved me, I wanted him to prove it differently—and that I shouldn't have to auction myself just for him to prove his love for me. He, of course, insisted this was the best plan to wake his brother up and teach him a lesson.

Again, I didn't understand why he was trying to help me with his brother when he was part of the problem, but the expression on his face—showing a look I needed to trust him, said I needed to believe his plan would work. And that he was trying to help out us both.

So, I told him I'd be going out of town to think about it. When he asked where I was going, I told him it was none of his business—only because I didn't want it getting back to Callum. I wanted to continue making him stew about what he'd done. But I also wanted him to think long and hard if I was the girl he wanted to have a future with.

And since the auction he insisted I be in was three weeks away, I thought about his offer. And the more I thought, the more I felt my escaping Chicago for some time away from everyone would give us time to think about our relationship and what we wanted from each other.

In my eyes, I felt it would be an excellent plan for Callum and me to take a break to figure out if we're right for each other since we both had issues when it came to trusting the opposite sex.

In addition to not giving Trent my answer right away, I also felt it would be fair if he granted me time to think about whether putting myself on stage to be auctioned off would benefit Callum and me. Because if everyone is correct about me jumping the gun and assuming the worst of the situation I saw, I didn't want to piss him off.

Either way, I knew he'd be pissed at whatever decision I made. But the way I saw things, I felt if I decided to go with Trent's plan, it'd be the price he had to pay for all the secrets he kept from me. I also wanted to make him understand that I won't put up with secrets anymore.

The plan was for Callum's friends to bring him to the club, but when I stood on the stage looking around the room for them and saw nobody I was supposed to see, I knew the plan didn't work and he told his friends to get bent. And I instantly became nervous and started regretting my decision to go on stage and let men bid on me.

Blindsided By The BossOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora