40 - Callum

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Hearing Eloise's voice soothes me. Only, I wished I hadn't heard it through a voicemail. Desperately needing to listen to the voice that has helped keep me going and hoping not to continue playing phone tag, I return her call, only for it to go to voicemail—again.

I ran my fingers through my hair while her voicemail played, and when it beeped, I left her yet another message: "I really need to hear your voice, Eloise. Please call me back. I'll keep my phone off silent this time—I hate playing phone tag—especially when I need solace."

I returned my phone to my inside jacket pocket, then turned to see Lana walking towards me, and seeing the hurt and anguish in her eyes, nearly killed me.

Eighteen years ago today, I saw who I thought would be the love of my life forever take her last breath—a breath of life I did not know would be her last. And every year since her death, Victoria's family has thrown a celebration of her life. An event they've thrown every year since her death, where I've ensured to keep my schedule closed, not wanting to miss the days of her celebration.

But this year? Something's changed, and I came to Oregon to say my final goodbyes to Victoria, her parents, her siblings, and the rest of her family. And I strongly feel Lana, Victoria's mother, will accept my reason for not wanting to attend the celebration anymore.

Lana's arms stretched toward me, and she pulled me in for a hug when she approached, tears falling from her baby blues. "It's so nice to see you, Callum." She pulled back and looked into my eyes. It hurt seeing her sadness, as it does every year when I show up for this celebration. And the puffiness of her eyes shows she's been crying, if not all day, for the past week. "How have you been?"

"Good. Very well, actually," I assured with a comforting smile. I cocked my head to the side as I studied her. "And you? How have you been?"

She wobbled her head from side to side. "Considering what day today is, I've been doing well."

"That's good to hear. And everyone else? How are they doing?"

A smile appeared on her face for the first time since I entered their home. When I first came, I sat outside their home for an hour, watching her cry while thinking about my ex, reminiscing our short time together, and thinking about my current life and the woman who I can't stop thinking about, who I'm missing terribly right now, and it's making me wish now more than ever I brought her along. The only problem is that I still hadn't spoken to her about Victoria. It would have been awkward, not only for me but for Eloise. She knows nothing about my ex. And that, I'll admit, is my fault.

But that's also why I'm here. If I want a forever with Eloise, I need to start taking life by the balls and man up. I need to do what everyone has told me for years—put my past behind me and move on. I also need to grow the fuck up and quit living in the past. If I don't, it's like my friends tell me, I'll lose the best thing that has happened to me since Victoria—Eloise.

And I don't want that at all—I love her.

I fucking love Eloise so much that I'm here for her so that I can have a future with her—I want a future with her—she's my person. And it's a thought I'd been thinking about ever since Eloise said her speech about Isabelle back in Hawaii—about Rory being Isabelle's person. Her speech made me think, and that night I told myself I would do everything to keep that woman in my life.

I knew the night of Rory's wedding Eloise was the woman I wanted in my life and knew she would be the one I could settle down with—just like I planned to do with Victoria.

"Everyone has been doing well," Lana responded, dabbing her Kleenex beneath her eyes to rid the tears. "Thanks for asking." She looked at me for a moment, a look of wonder and as if she had many questions for me.

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