29- I Have a Lot of Questions

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I woke up the next morning with Banks breathing heavy in my ear, his arms around my waist and his bare chest pressed against my back. For a moment, I thought this was what heaven must feel like. Staying as still as possible, I didn't want to wake him up. Just wanted to lay there forever and savor the moment of being held by him, squeezed tightly together in my twin sized bed.

But then I heard the yelling.

It was coming from the first floor, which meant they must have been yelling pretty loud to have woken me up in my third floor tower. I couldn't tell exactly what was being said, but I was curious enough to slide out of bed to investigate.

Banks was still sleeping serene and half-naked in my bed as I tip toed out of the room in a clean pair of sweat pants. As I trotted down the stairs, I could start making out the voices. It was Walker and Beth arguing, which they hardly ever did and they especially didn't yell at each other. Still, this fight seemed like none of my business, so I began retreating back to bed to enjoy my morning with Banks who, again, was half-naked in my bed. But then I heard a third voice, Ollie, joining the fight. What the hell was going on? I traversed the second floor, starting to be able to make out what they were actually saying.

"She was really drunk, she deserves a chance to apologize," Beth said.

"No, she doesn't," Walker responded, his tone sharper than I'd ever heard it. He was such a goofy, non-confrontational person, so something really bad must have happened for him to sound so harsh.

"There is no way in hell that we're letting her near Liam and honestly, it's pretty concerning that you're so keen on defending what she did," Ollie added.

Once I got down the last set of stairs, I was suddenly faced with all of my roommates save for Banks, a red-faced Beth, and Sam. Oh. So they were arguing about what happened last night. The Sprite, the insult. I'd been so consumed with Banks that I almost forgot it even happened.

"I'm not defending her at all," Beth snapped, glaring now at Ollie. "What she did was fucked up, but she was really drunk and it's not fair that you guys can't give her a chance to make things right."

"Hey, Liam," Kenji spotted me on the stairs, announcing my presence loudly as if that might stop the fighting. "We've got this, you don't have to come down here."

"Why shouldn't he be down here? This is about him and I'm pretty sure he can make his own decisions," Sam protested, her eyes narrowing at me as I slowly stumbled my way into the altercation.

"He's dealt with enough of your shit," Walker said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Whether you apologize or not, Sam, you're not welcome in our house again. Not for parties, not for Liam, not for anything."

"You're being dramatic, Walk," Beth sighed. "You guys have parties all of the time, you're seriously going alienate one of my best friends over one drunken mistake?"

"I was so blacked out when it happened, I hardly even remember what I said," Sam defended herself, but the look of annoyance was still on her face, like this was all such an inconvenience to her. Her eyes found mine again. "You're a big boy, Liam, you can make your own decision. Do you want my apology or not?"

"Do you even hear yourself?" Kenji asked her slowly, his voice calmer than everybody else's but his eyes were still fiery and fierce. "You're obviously not sorry and the only reason you're here is because Beth dragged you along to fake an apology to keep the peace."

"And we don't keep the peace with homophobes," Walker added before glancing toward his girlfriend. "Sorry, Beth, even if they're your friends."

I hated this, being the reason that Walker and Beth were fighting when they were almost always the perfect couple. They never fought and it was seriously unsettling to see them arguing so loudly and in front of the entire house.

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