30- What Are You Waiting For?

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"So." Kenji watched me over the top of his frozen yogurt cup.

I let out a long sigh, leaning back in the thin metal chair. I knew what was coming and I'd been purposefully avoiding it for the past four days. "Go on," I urged him, ready to get this conversation over with as quickly as possible.

"When did this start happening?"

"Around Thanksgiving," I answered.

"But you were straight before that?"

I nodded. "I think I'm still mostly straight. I don't know, labels are stupid."

He inhaled a large bite of his frozen yogurt. "Well, I'm happy for you. Just surprised, is all."

"Thanks." I'd be surprised too, if I was him. I was surprised myself, when I really thought about the situation. I spent the first twenty years of my life without a single inkling of attraction toward other men, but then Banks barreled into my life and here we are.

"Also, do you know that cousins share twelve percent of their DNA?" Kenji asked rhetorically, grinning sadistically at me.


His grin widened. "So does that mean you're twelve percent attracted to Ollie?"

I flung a piece of my cookie dough crumble at his face and managed to thwack the top of his ear.

"I'm not going to tease you for sleeping with another guy, but I do have to give you shit for dating Ollie's cousin," he said with an unapologetic shrug. "That shit's hilarious."

"We're not sleeping together," I blurted out over a bite of frozen yogurt. I swallowed and then added, "I mean we haven't. Yet."

"Ooooh." This fact seemed to endlessly fascinate Kenji. "So you don't know if you're a top or a bottom yet? What if you're both tops or both bottoms? I've always wandered what people do in that situation."

I shrugged. "Haven't thought about it that much, I guess."


"Well, you've been doing this for over a month now. What are you waiting for?" he asked. "Nervous?"

"No." Liar. It wasn't that I didn't want to do it, but it was intimidating to be completely new at something that Banks had done so many times. It felt like losing my virginity all over again. I didn't want to talk about all of that though. "How are things going with Bridgette?"

"I know you're trying to deflect," he laughed as I absently swirled my spoon through the last melting remnants of my yogurt. "Things are phenomenal though, so I'll oblige. She wants me to go to dinner with her parents next weekend."

"Really? That's serious."

"Her parents are pretty casual, so she said it's not that big of a deal," he shrugged it off, but I knew that when the day came, he'd be freaking the fuck out. "She's great though, really. She watches all of my favorite animes, prefers subtitles over dubs on live actions. And you've seen her, she's so beautiful. It's freaking me out, how good things are going."

"I saw you taking trash out of your room before break. Hopefully that's a good sign?" I knew Kenji long enough to know that he only cleaned his room to that extent if he planned on having company.

His dark eyes turned away from me, but a smirk started playing on his lips. "I can't kiss and tell."

"Hypocrite," I said quickly, because he was just interrogating me on the same sort of things. But still, I wouldn't press the subject. "If we can get Ollie to actually ask Morgan on a date, we'd all have partners at the same time. Don't think that's ever happened before."

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