Chapter 7. To Afraid

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T. W. ⚠️ suicidal thoughts, cutting, and anorexic tendencies.

Second person POV: It's been three days since the failure to eat 360 calories but believe me, you have succeeded off and on to do that during the following days. However that isn't the worst mental health development that you've had. recently you've had FLEETING suicidal thoughts. Thankfully they aren't as bad as they could be. These thought are less of wanting to die and more of recognizing how you could die. For instance you think about the fact that if you took a bottle of pills you could die or if you cut your wrist and bleed to much. It's only been things like that until today...

First person POV: Today was awful. I felt depressed the whole time it didn't stop even for a second. Right now I'm sitting on my dorm room floor silently crying, remembering everything that happened today. I glance over to my purse I remember my pain killers, the bottles inside of it. It's nearly full... but I'm not brave enough to take them. I cry harder yet still quietly, thinking how awful it is knowing relief I just a few feet away and yet I can't bring myself to do it. "Relief is right there but your to cowardly to get it" I whisper to myself. 'Knock knock' "hey Kiri, Kami, and I are going on a walk. Do you wanna come?" Mina asks through the door. Thankfully my voice doesn't reflect that I've been crying so, Mina doesn't notice I'm upset when I say "Sure! Give me just a second to get shoes on and I'll be ready to go. "Ok great!" Mina responds. I look at my face in the mirror luckily my face isn't tear stained so, I shove on my shoes and leave my dorm. I meet kiri Kami  and Mina at the door. "So where are we walking to" asks Kiri as we close the door behind us. "Just down the street to that burger place" Mina says, giving me a Pointed look. I in turn give her a side eye. A few minutes pass as they talk together but I start thinking.....or more daydreaming about.... Suicide. Suddenly I'm snapped out of my Daze by Mina saying "earth to Y/n" I jolt my Head up and say "sorry, I zoned out. What were you guys talking about?" "You're fine I was just asking what your going to order" Mina says this and we both know she's saying to eat something "I think I'll just have a drink I'm not hungry" I respond. The look on Mina's face tells me she's not happy with my choice of 'meal' but she doesn't say anything. Instead Kami says "I'll pay for everyone's meal, Aoyama gave me some money for my birthday" we all thank him. We turn the corner and we're in the burger place parking lot. We get in order and sit down.  "So what do you guys want to do after this" kiri says. "Train maybe" says Kami. "I'm looking forward too seeing Y/n use her ultimate move" responds kiri. "Me too it was awesome when she used it even if it was on me and tsu" laughs Mina. "We were practicing our moves you can't blame me" I say with a small giggle. "Ok mommy" says Mina, with a jokingly suggestive smirk. We joke around like this a lot so I respond "ara ara" while kiri and Kami look at us like we're insane. "And you claim you're not gay" says Kami. I roll my eyes and chuckle. We all laugh eat (drink a diet drink in my case) and after we're done we walk back to the dorms, having decided we are all to full for training. Once I'm back in my dorm I grab my knife. I cut and I cut and I cut. I can barely handle the emotional pain any more. It's so hard and I can't tell my parents they'd just say that I'm just being a teenager but at least i can finally go to sleep and hope for a better day tomorrow.

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