Chapter 11. Back to school 2.5#

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Tw. mentions of  attempt, self harm, and anorexic behaviors.

You walk into class you're with kiri, kami, and Mina. You're feeling great especially since after telling them what happened kiri and kami ate breakfast with you. As you four take your seats class begins and you feel that feeling that you know all to well. Class continues and you remember having felt dumb while in the hospital for making the attempt but now, sitting there feeling depressed again you can't even blame yourself wanting to do whatever it took to stop feeling like this. Soon enough class ends and Mr. Aizawa says "Y/N will you please stay after class"

First person POV: I wait for the other students to leave, noticing kiri, kami, and Mina giving me sympathetic looks as they walk away. After everyone else has left Mr. Aizawa pulls up a chair and sits backwards in it so he's facing me. He's quite for a moment and I can tell he's thinking hard.

Aizawa's POV: I didn't notice my own student was depressed. She nearly died because I wasn't vigilant enough. What should I have done differently. What signs did I miss or were there any.

Your POV: Mr. Aizawa finally says "where did I go wrong?" "Excuse me?" I say extremely confused. "As your teacher I make it a priority to be someone you know you can talk about anything to but clearly I have failed you and your classmates in that. I'd like to know where I messed up because from my point of view this all came out of nowhere from my amazing, bubbly, happy, compassionate, student who doesn't have a care in the world. However it's obvious that I missed something big so were there signs and I just was ignorant and missed them or did you hide the signs because I did something that makes you think you can't trust me?" He asks. "Neither, I didn't say anything because I knew you'd have to tell my parents and I didn't want to have to give up self harm. You didn't miss any signs because I hid them. I cut myself on my hips to avoid them being seen and to hide my lack of eating enough I'd eat lunch but nothing else. I only told friends who I knew wouldn't say anything and didn't say a word about wanting to kill myself to anyone. It's not your fault, you couldn't have changed the outcome of all of this." I respond. "Do you feel comfortable telling me how it all happened?" He asks. I say yes and begin to explain, by the end of my story a tear falls from Mr. Aizawa's eye. "I am truly sorry for all you've been through, I know the pain of losing a friend who's more like family and truthfully I believe that with some friends are family. I think that when you find that one friend that is family, blood relation it doesn't matter and when you lose that friend you feel a pain that can't truly be understood by someone that hasn't lost a friend like that. I understand why you didn't want to tell anyone and thereby lose the ability to self harm. I hope you know that there will be relapses but I'm here to help you through it. Don't ever be afraid to come to me when you're hurting" he says. "I won't." I say. "Now," he reaches into his drawer to hand me a protein bar "eat this " I look at the bar wishing I didn't have to eat it but eventually I give in. Mr. Aizawa watches me eat and says "you're a very brave person. You survived your last school, came here to a school that has frequent villain attacks, and now have gone through this. If I were you I can't say that this would have been my first attempt and the fact you walk in here with a smile every day is something I look up to you for." It takes me a moment to realize what he just said. My teacher, a PRO HERO, looks up to me. ME of all people. I say "Thank you very much. You don't know what that means to me." Suddenly he hugs me and says "Never give up. You have no idea how much you mean to those around you" I nod and head over to lunch.

Aizawa's POV: I watch as the door closes behind her. I sit down at my desk as my breathing begins to speed up. I nearly lost one of my students but not only that I'm reminded of oboro. I can feel myself spiraling mentally. I grab my phone and text mic 'I need help' in a minute his rushes through the door. After calming me down he asks "what started all of this" "Y/N" I respond. "Obviously I know what happened with her so was this about worrying for her?" Mic asks me, whispering. Even though we're married I don't hear him whisper a lot and when he does I know he's taking something seriously. "Among other things yes." I respond. "Would supervising her lunch make you feel better?" He questions. "Yeah...yeah it would." I say. "Would you like it if I came with you?" "Please." And with that we go to the cafeteria to watch over y/n.

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