Island time

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Soon they made it to the island, the bad weather having been passed.

"YAHOOO!! ISLAND AHEAD!!" Luffy cheered.

Katara smiled at the boy who was up on the rope net connected to the mast, looking at the adventure ahead with a shining smile on his face.

He definitely started to remind her of Aang. Same happy-go-lucky energy. She wouldn't be too surprised if he shot himself off the boat much like how Aang would take his glider and jump off appa to go adventure first.

"Okay guys let's do a head count and assign groups!" Nami shouted to the crew. Everyone gathered around, "The ingredients group will be sanji, zoro, and Ussop."

Ussop smiled in victory that he didn't end up with the weakling trio. He didn't like fending for himself if possible. Plus sanji would make sure that they stay on task. The hardest part would be not loosing zoro.

"Next group is the cola group. That'll be Franky, myself, and brook, and luffy."

"The rest is The Sunny group who also has to take care of the fire princess or whatever."

A hand was raised, "I vote to switch groups."

"No sanji."


Everyone separated and for the first time since their fight, Katara went to go visit azula who was still sedated in the med bay. She was chained up as well with their sea prism stone handcuffs. Not that it changed anything for Azula, but it's what they had.

Chopper joined Katara while Robin waited outside, keeping watch on the boat. "She hasn't suffered any huge injuries, the most being bruising and some scrapes." He had a lingering question plaguing his mind. He didn't want to be offensive to any culture the girl might have come from but he just had to know, "Is this.. a normal haircut?"

Katara looked closer and indeed, she had lopsided bangs and matted hair. "No, not at all. She usually looks better than this."

"Ok. Well based on how she was panicking earlier, I don't think her mental state is good. Maybe the haircut is a result of that."

"She is bit crazy." Katara agreed. "I can't just leave her somewhere on the island though. Can you wake her up so I can explain what's going on?"

"I can give her something to nullify the sedation, yes."

"You really are a doctor, wow."

"What's that supposed to mean??"

"Nothing, I'm just kind of surprised about how different this world is and it's people and its reindeers. It's kinda cool."

"Awwww you're making me blush." Chopper smiled giddily before dancing off to get the medication for the patient.

He administered it and a few moments later Azula groggily started waking up, "Where..." She shot up looking at her surroundings, "YOU FIEND! LET ME GO!"

"I will!" Katara shouted, quickly grabbing some water from her pouch for defense if azula started breathing fire again.

Azula, looking like a madman with her hair all devilished and a vulgar expression on her face paused for a moment. "You what now?" She asked, wondering if it's a trick.

"I will if you cooperate for a minute. This world is not our own and I have no clue how to get back home."

"You're really having me listen to how much of a failure you are?"

Katara forced back a laugh, "At least I stopped you from becoming firelord. Zuko is probably stopping the war right now."

'At least I hope he is.' Katara thought to herself before continuing, "Im going to let you go, you can do whatever I guess. I can't control you. You have a new start. No firelord to please or try to be." She said remembering what Zuko had told her about his horrid father.

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