• 21 • baby's day out

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[cliché scenes incoming. sorry.]


"Park in the evening. Too hot right now."

"Alright," you pout, uncosciously.

He shakes his head lightly, handing you the helmet while wearing his. The gloves are already in and his leather jacket is tight against his muscles. Fuck, he has grown hotter? Why does it feel like it? The long hair have surpassed his shoulders. If you were a Directioner, you'd think he's going for a young Harry Styles look.

"I just remembered a beautiful place in Myeongdong. Can you drive there?"

"That's a little far..."

"You got somethin' to do?"

He sighs and nods, pushing the black glass of his helmet down. The engine growled so loud and fierce below that you got startled and hugged him instantly; like a spontaneous reaction. His lips curled up into a mildly fond smile as he felt your hyper, thudding heart on his back and polite touch you graced his waist with. You're just adorable to him, his most precious thing. He bites his teeth into his bottom lip mischievously before holding the breaks and turning the accelerator more, making the entire motorcycle vroom scarily. The vibration petrified you, out of your wits, even more than the vrooming sound. Your hands tightened, fingers inched into his clothes like a clingy baby's and he chuckled. He loves you so much. God.

You feel the stifled laugh move in his chest and realise he's doing it on purpose. The motorcycle's not moving since the last one minute even though both of you are already on it and ready to go. A loud smack is given on his back by you. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"It's fun," he answered, lifting his helmet's glass up.

"No, it's not," you retorted, lifting your own glass up, "How can you even think that? Get on with it!"

He shakes his head before turning his head but gets stopped again by you. "Wait! Can I ask you one thing before we go?"


"Are you going to get a haircut or let your hair grow longer?"

The calm on his face gets disrupted as you drop the totally unnecessary(well, somewhat necessary) question at an extremely unusual timing. He stares at you for a good second before sighing, "You decide, my mini."

MINI! Aw, so cute! Like, minions but also tiny. Uwu.

"Hm, I think, you should let them gro- Ooh!"

The motorcycle zoomed out of its spot faster than a bullet freeing a howling screech from your throat. You rammed your body into his, holding on for dear life. What's the rush? Why's he so damn fast? Everything is moving so fast as if you're in a superhero movie, flying through the city on some great, world-saving adventure.

"Slow the fuck down!" You scream in the helmet but you know he hasn't heard you over the traffic, sound of the wind and the constricted space of the helmet. "I said, slow down!"

Your eyes close in terror when you feel like the motorcycle's gonna crash into a white SUV ahead. Seconds later, when nothing happens, you peek again with the same exhilaration running through your body and mind which you felt when you rode for the first time. The SUV is left behind since long and he's curving a bendy left, vrooming faster. At this point, you've stuck yourself so hard to him that your bodies are practically one, non-sexually. The turn he just made was so tricky and sharp, it made the vehicle make an angle of 30 degrees with the road. Your old, platform sneakers grazed the surface of the road at the tilt.

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