• 24 • days of wines and roses

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"Sweetie, will you relax? This is gonna be great!" Yoongi's exasperated voice made you stop destroying the hem of your floral sundress.

Yes, the sundress was a first for you. Growing up on a farm as boisterously as you have, you've never worn or had the desire to wear a floral dress. But, today, since it's a time for a new beginning, you've worn a floral sundress. Emphasis on floral too cause isn't that way too summery for an angst core like you?

"Why isn't he here yet?" You pull the cat man's wrist to check the time on his digital watch.

Jimin, who was opening a new bag of tortilla chips finally looks up at you and sighs. "Give him some time. He'll take fifteen minutes. His work ends at 6."

"Knowing him, he might have even stopped there to help someone do extra work."

That's true.

Jungkook did love working, be it studies or his new internship or just working in general.

"I'm more worried about this. I know he agreed on a dinner with both of you but..." You start fretting again. This is going to be a complete disaster.

"That's the first sign of change. He's agreeing to meet your friends and Yoongi, who's a complete stranger to him," Jimin comforts.

"Try not to put him on the spot, don't look in his eyes, don't talk way too much to him and don't—"

"You're doing that thing again, honey, where you start over instructing and induce a panic attack. Go, grab a beer and sit down."

"Not right now!" You brush Jimin's hand away and Yoongi looks up from his phone. "What's taking him so long?! What if he's smoking out of nervousness? Should I go down-"

"Shut it and sit down," Yoongi commands.

The door bell rings and you abandon the resolve to sit down. You sprint towards the door and compose yourself before opening it.

Hair, perfect. Dress, okay? Lips, glossy. Jimin and Yoongi looking friendly and warm, check.

They always look friendly and warm.

Opening the door, you're greeted by your handsome faced Olafie in a high-end dark blue work shirt and matching black pants. Fabric sticks to his chest, giving it the shape of his robust chest. The exorbitant cuff links have been opened and the cuffs are folded upwards, showing the tattooed arm. Every dark secret crawls under his sleeve with those tattoos. Parted hair. Tie has been loosened a little. Unreadable face looks like it's studying you.

Of course, tension brims in your body as you show yourself to him in a dress for the first time. You've to douse the tension instantly because you can't keep him or the men behind you waiting. Moving away, you let him enter in with a cute smile. "Hi."

He passes you the same heart eyes you're used to when he enters inside. Both of you hold the eye contact which he breaks to survey the interior. Jimin's condo is lavish, as per say, more than Jungkook's. Even if Jungkook is more rich than Jimin, their condominiums would beg to differ. Iceberg does love a simple lifestyle so he's pretty happy with the humble residence.

You've never seen his parents' house to know how lavishly he grew up or how they live. Now that they are in Barcelona, you're sure they're super loaded.

"Hello, Jungkook," Yoongi greets warmly, extending his hand for a shake, "Yoongi, Jimin's boyfriend."

Your boyfriend politely accepts the hand and shakes it while you close the door. When you study the whole scene before you, of Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook talking, it's a little hard to digest. You've never seen him engaging in conversations with anyone other than yourself or partially Iseul. Observing closely, his other hand inside the pocket is fidgeting nervously. Shoulders are tight.

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