Paintball [2]

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Aiden continued to walk with Lake being very careful that there were no other sudden attacks, but just when he least expected it James came out from behind a rock and in fright Aiden snapped the gun at him

James 《hey hey wait we made a pact remember》

Aiden lowered his gun and looked James in the eyes

Aiden 《Oh, James, you scared me》
James 《sorry》
Lake 《 Aiden, quick, shoot him before he does》
Aiden 《it's ok, We made a pact that we don't shoot each other》
Lake 《but we are enemy teams I don't think it's possible》
James 《it's possible》

James grabbed Aiden for a side and pulled him towards him

James 《even if there hadn't been any deal I wouldn't have shot you anyway》
Aiden 《Don't do the sweet now》
《and anyway you would never have hit me since you have bad aim》
《Fuck off》

Aiden and James embraced and then kissed softly. It wasn't their first kiss, they did it when they both felt like it. The two boys made out for some time while Lake watched. A look between impatient and "Oh my God how cute"

Lake 《Guys I don't want to disturb you but we have a challenge to accomplish》

no reply. Aiden and James were too busy kissing that they didn't listen to Lake, when they kissed it was like everything around them no longer existed. Just the two of them. Meanwhile, Lake tried to make himself heard by calling them in various ways but to no avail. she then decided at the last minute to go between them and detach them, but a strip of saliva still united their lower lips

Aiden 《Indeed Lake, calm down, no one is after us》
Lake 《And how do you know? maybe there is still Yul hidden somewhere ready to hit you while you kiss》
Aiden 《 No he's not here and anyway What do you want me to do》
Lake 《I don't know, maybe revenge for eliminating me!》
James 《 Ok ok but wait a minute》

The two resumed kissing passionately

Lake 《 when you get like this  it becomes impossible to talk to you. Do you know what? I'm leaving》
《I'm leaving eh》
《OK Bye Bye》

Yul hid again, but this time his target was Maggy who was passing in front of him right then. Suddenly Yul came out of his hiding place and fired 5 or 6 shots at Maggy making her fall backwards

<Maggy was eliminated>

Yul 《back to the circus, giantess!》

Yul laughed so loud that it made you hear from kai who was a few meters away

Yul 《how naive! I didn't even hide well, how the fuck you didn't see me?
Kai 《I could ask you the same thing》

Kai parried a blow to Yul from behind, eliminating him from the game and avenging Maggy

<Yul was eliminated>

Yul 《Are you kidding me?!》
Kai 《I just taught you a lesson》
Yul 《fuck you shitty psychic》

Just at that moment Hunter came and immediately aimed at Kai, Kai did the same but unfortunately his paintballs fell and he was immediately eliminated by Hunter

<Kai was eliminated>

Only Hunter, Aiden and James remained in the game.

Aiden and James had been together all the time in the same spot, after a few minutes they decided to get up and go looking for Hunter. Hunter shortly before had stealthily climbed the tree next to hit Aiden, but he saw him immediately and didn't give him time to prepare and eliminated him from the game

<Hunter was deleted>

Hunter 《DAMN!》

At this point only Aiden and James remained who, not wanting to hit each other, decided to look for the flag hidden around the wood

To be continued

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