Paintball [3]

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The last 2 finalists in the challenge were Aiden and James, the victory of their team was all in their hands, the only thing they had to do was recover the flag hidden in the woods.

They ran like crazy around the woods in search of victory but try as hard as they could they could not try the flag again

Aiden was running fast looking everywhere when at one point he tripped and fell to the ground hurting his elbow

Aiden 《fucking rock》

He saw that it was not a rock but something planted in the ground. He took it out and…
It was the banner of victory! Now all he had to do was take it to the field and earn immunity, but when he was about to get up, James arrived who took the flag from his hands and ran away

James《Sorry baby but the victory is mine! You forgive me right?》
《I'll make it up to you tonight》

Aiden used James to recover his victory and managed to get the flag back and also tripped him over

Aiden《Laughs best who laughs last》*

James remained on the ground watching Aiden run towards the field

James《Ah, I love that boy》

Aiden arrived at the camp with the flag and victory for his team gets immunity

After the victory and a hug from his teammates Aiden returned to James to throw everything back at him

Aiden 《James, are you still there? Won't you come and celebrate my amazing victory? 》
James 《I admit that I didn't expect that from you, congratulations! You learned from the best》
《That is to say?》
《Stop it》

They smiled at each other

James《So you earned the victory and immunity》
《Would you also like another award from me?》
《That is to say?》

James grabbed Aiden's hips and leaned closer until their lips touched. They kissed softly and then slowly pulled away from each other

James《Next time, be smarter and don't cheer out loud》
Aiden《If you say so》

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Finally i finished this story! I hope you like it like I enjoyed writing it

this is my ✨️aWeSoMe✨️ map i made at the beginning of the story to decide who gets rid of who and when:

The 60% of this story I wrote at school in the earth sciences and informatics hours (these lessons are terrible)

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The 60% of this story I wrote at school in the earth sciences and informatics hours (these lessons are terrible)

* This is an Italian saying that I don't know if it is also used in England. In case it means not claiming victory before the race is over

total words in all 3 chapters: 1438

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