spicy moments-Jaiden ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Another request from willowisaretard

Sorry 4 late qwq

Hope u like this one too <3

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Aiden and James were in the cafeteria, wanting to have a coffee and hang out together. The last few days had been tough and they hadn't been able to be alone for long, so they decided to take a break.

Aiden 《here you go, be careful it's hot》
James 《thanks Aiden, I'm happy to finally spend some time with you》
《Me too》
《Don't you think we should do something different every now and then?》
《Like what?》
《I dont know》

James brought the cup to his mouth and took a sip of coffee but immediately made a disgusted face

Aiden 《 Well what's that face? don't you dare tell me you don't like it that i told you i've never made a coffee in my life》
James 《 No, are you kidding me? you just didn't put sugar in it》
《Ah, that's right sorry, I'll go get it》

As Aiden returns to the kitchen to get sugar, James purposely spills coffee on his shirt trying not to wince from the extreme heat.

James《Oh fuck, look what I've done》

He faked a worried voice

Aiden 《James is everything ok? What happened?》
James 《I spilled coffee on myself》
《Are you serious?》
《I know I'm a disaster》
《You are a super disaster》
《Hehhe sorry》
《I'll go get you a napkin to clean you》
《Nono don't worry, I'll do it by myself》

James wasted no time in taking off his shirt and showing off his well sculpted pecs while looking at Aiden with a sultry face. Aiden's eyes widened and immediately blushed at seeing James shirtless and covered his face with his hands

James 《no》

James walked slowly towards Aiden as he backed away with a flushed face. James took him by the hips and made him sit on the table and spread his legs slightly. The two boys looked at each other sensually, James training his gaze between Aiden's embarrassed face and the middle of his legs while Aiden looked at James' lips looking for a kiss or a little more. James didn't realize right away that Aiden wanted a kiss so Aiden cupped his face in his hands and brought it sharply to his. They kissed violently making small gasps, they got so close that their members were in contact, with only their clothes separating them

James reached down to Aiden's neck and started to lick him while his left hand went down to the hem of his pants, Aiden between gasps and groans tried to stop him but to no avail

Aiden 《J-James enough! I don't know if I'm ready for this》
James 《you are ready》
《please take it easy I'm...》
《Virgin? I know, I will-》
Lake 《Aiden are you here? OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!》

Aiden and James stopped short and looked in amazement at Lake who had suddenly entered the cafeteria

Lake 《oh god, no, sorry guys, I didn't mean to disturb! Go ahead, don't mind me》

Lake walked into the kitchen, covering his eyes with his hands. But the two boys didn't continue and pretended that nothing had happened

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