Chapter II: The Commission

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The wooden ceiling stared back at him with an uneasy welcome.

Dom panicked, where was he? How did he get there?

The room was quite small. There was only a single bed, a table to write letters, and a tiny candle. The interior was made of wood, and the room was quite dull due to the lack of furniture. The only thing that gave life to the room was the small window by the side of the bed.

He tried to sit up straight, but the aches in his body screamed at him to lie back down.

He slightly gripped the sheets of the bed as he groaned out in pain.

Why did his body hurt so much?

Suddenly, the door to the room swung open in a graceful manner.

A tiefling with purple skin entered the room, her sharp tail swinging behind her. She was wearing a white shirt that seemed like it had been ripped, showing her built stomach. There were straps on her chest to hold the spiky armour on her shoulders, complemented by the metal bracers on her arms. On her dark pants, there was a belt with knives hanging from it.

The horns on her head resembled those of a mountain goat, complimenting her long and wavy black hair. Her deep-sea eyes stared intensely at Dom, like a storm about to devour a whole pirate ship.

The tiefling leaned on the doorway with her arms crossed.

She raised her eyebrows, impressed that Dom managed to wake up.

"You're alive," she said with a huff, "I'm surprised."

Dom hissed as he slowly laid back down on the bed.

"Malevira," Dom half-heartedly greeted, "An explanation would be nice."

Malevira chuckled.

"After you beat the hells out of that blood magician guy, I saw you pass out," she said, closing the door behind her. Her boots clicked as she slowly made her way inside the room, "I brought you to the nearest inn, your welcome."

Dom raised his hand towards the ceiling.

"Did I lose control again?"

Malevira could only roll her eyes.

"What do you think?" she said in a sarcastic tone, "Honestly, Dom, you need to learn how to properly use your magic. You can't just suppress them in hopes that your little skeleton friends won't come out and play."

"I would rather get myself killed than use my magic," Dom snapped.

"I could kill you right here, right now," Malevira snapped back.

Dom flinched as he slowly lowered his hand.

Malevira crossed her arms once more as her braces clinked.

"We're both assassins," she scolded, "So for the Light's sake, think like one, Solovey."

She roughly grabbed Dom's arm, earning a wince in response.

Malevira's eyes began to glow a dark shade of blue as her hands began to emit the same-coloured glow.

Dom felt a rush of energy flooding through his veins from Malevira's grip.

After a few seconds, Malevira's eyes returned to normal, and she let go of Dom's arm.

"That should make you feel a tad bit better," she said, "Don't waste your life force like that again, you fool. I'm not your life force donor, that's your victims' job."

"I didn't ask for it," Dom snarled, "And you shouldn't be wasting yours."

"I'm a tiefling, my magic doesn't consume life force like yours, human."

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