Chapter VI: The Dragonborn

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The next morning, Johann and Dom took Jaxon into Bergwald Forest, a forest surrounding Stadtbergen.

After claiming their reward from their previous commission, they began to search the commission board for any quests that wouldn't be too dangerous for their dragonborn companion.

A few commissions managed to catch their eye. But after a few moments of consideration, they thought that it would be best if they took the quest that asked them to kill off a hoard of goblins in the forest.

Apparently, Bergwald Forest had become some sort of base for a group of goblins. This would be no problem at all, of course, if the goblins were creatures of peace.

A few groups of merchants had been attacked by the goblins, and since the knights didn't bother to take care of the problem, the Söldner's Guild had received the commission instead. Without the knights' knowledge, of course.

Bertram highly recommended this commission once Johann and Dom told him about the young dragonborn, since goblins aren't as dangerous as the other creatures that they normally encountered during quests. Though, goblins are quite vicious, which is why Bertram advised them to still be careful and keep an eye out on their "recruit".

And so, they accepted the commission.

The three walked through the forest, weapons in hand while keeping an eye out for any potential threats.

"This is so cool!" Jaxon uttered, "We're literally walking through a forest to hunt for goblins! I can barely believe it!"

"Keep it down," Johann scolded, "Your enthusiasm will attract unwanted attention."

Jaxon sheepishly smiled.



Johann couldn't help but think that it was a bit out of character for Dom to let Jaxon in their party, even if it was just for a commission. He always thought that the kid radiated some kind of "don't get in my way!" type of energy.

Letting Jaxon in the team, without any knowledge of the dragonborn's fighting abilities, didn't exactly support Dom's image as an emotionally unavailable lone wolf.

But, oh well, as long as Jaxon didn't end up getting killed or anything, right?

He could only hope that Jaxon inherited whatever mercenary skills his father had.

Dom suddenly stopped the group from walking any further.

Jaxon, who didn't see the sign, bumped into Johann's muscular back.

Johann turned his head around to look at the dragonborn.

"You okay?"

Jaxon could only nod, clearly abashed.

"Yeah," he answered, "Sorry, Uncle Johann."

Johann raised an eyebrow.


"Look," Dom said as he pointed towards the ground, "Footprints."

The ex-paladin and the dragonborn looked to the ground beneath them.

There were indeed footprints, tiny ones in fact.

"These could belong to our targets," Johann commented, "Kid, do your thing."

Dom nodded and was about to disappear into the shadows when suddenly, Jaxon grabbed him by the arm.

Dom quizzically eyed him.

"You're about to do scouting work, right?" Jaxon asked, "Let me join! I want to know what it's like!"

Dom awkwardly shifted in his place.

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